No Smoking

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It was the Friday before Thanksgiving, and the school's students had all left for home. Beth was not going home until Wednesday afternoon, so she was still at school. In fact, she had agreed to stay over Mrs. Donovan's starting the next day, as the headmaster had to go out of town for a few days and didn't want to leave her boys or Colleen on their own.

Beth had left the school building and went to do some clothes shopping. She was glad for the break and decided to enjoy the afternoon. She started by strolling down one street, doing some window-shopping. She came to a pharmacy and went inside. Needing some greeting cards, she picked out a couple and went to counter to purchase them. As she put down the items on the counter, she had a "spur of the moment" impulse and picked up a pack of cigarettes and added that to the items she was purchasing. She left the store and took out a cigarette and lighted it immediately and continued on her way.

As Beth walked, and puffed, she stopped short in her tracks. For, standing in front of her was Mrs. Donovan, who had a shocked look on her face.

"ELIZABETH ASHLEY!!!! What is the meaning of this?"

One of the strictest rules at Lee Academy concerned smoking. As might be expected, smoking by any of the students at Lee Academy was rare, but the few times that a student got caught smoking, it merited a severe punishment. There was another rule on smoking, however, that had nothing to do with the students. Each employee, as part of her employment contract, had specifically agreed to not smoke at any time, whether on school grounds or not, or even at home, if school was on hiatus.

Beth turned pale. Without thinking, her hand reached back as if protecting her bottom and then, suddenly realizing she had done that, she quickly removed her hand. Despite that, Mrs. Donovan noticed and walked up to Beth.

"Hand me your cigarettes, Beth, and put out that one. I can't believe you would break this particular rule, young lady. I think we need to talk about this, so I think you better go back and wait for me in my office, or outside of it, to be exact."

Beth blushed at being treated as a schoolgirl and complained. "You don't have to treat me like a little child. I apologize for smoking and won't do it again, but I need to do some shopping."

Mrs. Donovan was astounded by Beth's attitude. But not for long.

"Young lady, I don't know what's gotten into you, but I won't put up with this kind of attitude, whether from a student, one of my kids or even a housemother, especially a housemother that should know better than to talk back to me."

"What are you going to do, spank me?"

Mrs. Donovan smiled. The kind of smile that one should be afraid of.

"That is exactly what you deserve, missy. Maybe you have forgotten that lesson I gave you last year. And maybe you think you are too old to go back over my knees. But, I don't think so."

Mrs. Donovan walked up to Beth, grabbed her arm and pulled her over to her and started to bend her under her arm. Beth, however, had other ideas and pulled away, or, rather, tried to pull away.

"Don't resist and make it harder for yourself, Missy."

"Stop it, don't you dare spank me in front of everybody!!"

Beth continued to try and pull away from Mrs. Donovan, but the headmaster held on to her wrist and Beth found herself being propelled over to a nearby bench. As Mrs. Donovan sat down, Beth protested even more as she was pulled face down across the knees of Mrs. Donovan. Beth's face turned red, as she realized that she was about to be spanked in public for the first time in a number of years. She felt the back of her skirt being raised and in last ditch effort to preserve a semblence of dignity, reached back to try and prevent her panties from being exposed to the view of the growing crowd of observers.

"Stop that at one, young lady, or you will be really sorry!! Obey me or you will really be sorry!!"

That threat didn't deter Beth from trying to keep her skirt from being raised, but it didn't stop Mrs. Donovan from finally flipping up Beth's skirt.

"I warned you about resisting me, more than once and you failed to listen. Now you will find out the consequences that your stubbornmess earned you," the exasperated headmaster declared.

Grabbing Beth's right arm, she pulled it away from Beth's seat and against her back, holding it firmly. Then with her right hand, she grabbed the waistband of Beth's panties and began tugging them down.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...please, noooooooooooo." Beth pleaded, while at the same time, twisted to try and escape Mrs.Donovan' clutches. This was a final mistake on Beth's part, as Mrs. Donovan had enough of Beth's resistance and pushed her further over her left knee and put her right knee over Beth's legs, pinning Beth in place. Her behind now bare and sticking up in the air, Beth started crying at the humiliation she was feeling, even before she received any spanks. And then the spanking began.




Mrs. Donovan ignored Beth's pleas and continued to smack Beth's upturned behind, as murmers, a few giggles and some whistles were heard from those observing the unusual scene being presented them.Beth was steadily crying when the spanks ended. Beth thought the embarrassing spanking was over, but was disabused of that notion when her arm was continued to be held and, at the same time, from her upsidedown view, saw Mrs. Donovan reach into her pocketbook.

She knew too well what that meant and shivered when a hairbrush was pulled out. Without further delay, Beth's spanking resumed, this time with the back end of the hairbrush. Each smack of the brush on Beth's reddened behind caused Beth to cry out and sob louder. After 25 hard spanks, the spanking ended. Still, Mrs. Donovan continued to press her arm against her back as well as continuing to keep her legs pinned.

"Now, will you do what you are told, or do I need to contine?"

"I'll go, I'll go!! Don't spank me any more!!" the tearful and red-faced housemother replied, wishing she could dig a hole for herself right then as well as hoping that she could finally get up and not be in such a childish position in front of complete strangers.

"Good, I'll expect you there while I return. When you get there, I expect you to do what my assistant tells you to do as well. Now scoot!"


With a smack, Mrs. Donovan released her hold on Beth's right wrist and then reached down to raise Beth's panties. Then relaxing her legs, she helped Beth up, which allowed Beth's skirt to fall down. Sent on her way with one more smack, Beth turned around and headed back to the school, feeling more like a naughty schoolgirl than a grownup, as she heard scattered applause from the crowd watching.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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