Colleen Donovan

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Returning to her room, she flopped on her bed and sighed. She was glad to be back in her room after the afternoon and early evening she had just had. Now, having punished the twins, her mind shifted to annoyance at Colleen Donovan, who, she was sure, would be one sorry girl when she returned home. Those thoughts about Colleen were interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. Wondering who was calling, Beth got up and went to the phone to answer it.

It wasn't a long conversation and Beth mainly listened and then hung up. She thought for a moment and then quickly dialed another number. It was another short conversation, but this time, Beth did most of the talking. Hanging up again, Beth went to her bathroom to take a quick shower.

Refreshed, Beth changed into her pajamas and her robe, and, after glancing at her clock, rested on her bed and began to read. After about 30 minutes, she put the book down, and looked at the door, as if expecting someone. Sure enough, a minute or two later, there was a hesitant knock on her door. Getting up, she went to the door and opened it. At the door was Colleen Donovan. The usually perky teenager looked anything but perky, as she nervously stood at the doorway.

"Come on in, Colleen." Beth, in a stern voice, invited the girl in.

Looking down, the girl walked in the room, trying not to look at the housemother.

"I'm really disappointed in you, Colleen Donovan. You saw what happened to the twins, didn't you? While their behavior was inexcusable, it could have been avoided if you weren't so irresponsible. You do know that, don't you, Colleen? And look up at me while I am talking to you, young lady."

Looking up, Colleen nodded her head.

"Your aunt knows about this afternoon, Colleen. As you must know, she is very upset at you. She also won't be home until later tonight. She doesn't want you to have to wait until then to get punished, so she called and asked me to lend a hand."

Colleen knew her aunt would be unhappy and also knew that at some point, she would be going across her aunt's knees. But the call from Miss Ashley was a surprise, though now what the housemother was going to do was not exactly a surprise. Especially after Colleen getting smacked downstairs in front of everyone.

She watched and her behind tingled as Beth pulled out her stool and then retrieved her hairbrush. She knew, before very long, that she would be over Miss Ashley's knees, getting spanked with that hairbrush.

Beth walked over to Colleen and took her hand and walked her over to the stool. Beth sat down and had Colleen stand in front of her. Reaching underneath Colleen's short cheerleader skirt, Beth grabbed the waistband of her red panties, and pulled them down.

"Step out of those, Colleen, you won't be needing them the rest of the night," instructed Beth, after pulling down the panties to Colleen's ankles, "the color of your panties is very appropriate as your behind will soon match it."

Colleen did as she was told and then allowed herself to be taken over Beth's left knee. Colleen felt Beth's right leg over hers so she was now pinned, leaving her behind sticking up awaiting the hairbrush. With her cheerleader skirt so short, her behind was practically uncovered already, but Beth pulled it up completely.


Beth wasted no time picking up the hairbrush and start the spanking. Colleen yelled out from the very first spank, and fortunately, Beth's room was soundproofed, as her yells got louder with each hard smack of the hairbrush on her bare bottom. The yells changed to sobbing and wailing as Beth continued to methodically apply the brush all over the reddening behind. From the highest summit of Colleen's bottom cheeks to just above the thighs where Colleen sits, not a inch of the behind was spared from the hard wooden hairbrush.


Over and over, Beth spanked, and, when Colleen tried to reach back to cover up her scarlet behind, Beth grabbed the girl's right wrist and held it over back. Without hardly missing a beat, she continued the spanking. But now, she spanked faster, causing Colleen even more distress. She howled in pain, she wailed but Beth continued until Colleen could hardly do anything but wail endlessly. Finally, Beth halted the spanking. She released the sobbing girl's legs and stood her up and marched the rubber-legged teenager to an empty corner.

"Stand in the corner and think about acting more responsibly, rather than acting like a naughty little girl. And don't even think about rubbing!"

As Colleen stood in the corner, her crimson behind glowing, Beth took her book, laid down on her bed and began reading, keeping an eye on Colleen as she did so. About five minutes had passed when Beth caught Colleen reaching back to rub her behind.

"COLLEEN DONOVAN!!! Did you forget what I told you? You know better than that!!! I am going to punish you for that, you are just lucky I don't just repeat the spanking I just gave you!!!"

At the sound of Beth's voice, Colleen rushed her hand away from her behind, but it was too late and she moaned in dismay at being told she would be punished further. The further punishment was not done immediately, though, as Beth resumed reading, continuing to watch Colleen. After letting Colleen remain in the corner for another 25 minutes,

Beth got up and grabbed two pillows and placed them at the end of the bed. Then she went to get Colleen. Taking Colleen by the ear, she turned her around and Colleen's eyes opened wide when she saw the two pillows, over which, she knew, she would be bent over. As Colleen anticipated, Beth led Colleen over to her bed, smacking her seat as she did so, and then bent Colleen over the pillows so that her behind was sticking up in the air. Beth than went over to her night table, opened the drawer and took out a sturdy 18-inch ruler she had there.

She returned to the end of the bed and, putting her left hand on Colleen's back, she began smacking Colleen's already burning seat.


Thirty times she smacked Colleen, who once again was sobbing and wailing. Leaving Colleen bent over, she went to her phone to call Miss Morley, the housemother of the adjacent section, letting her know that she would be back in a moment, asking loud enough to Colleen to hear. Then she went to Colleen and stood her up.

"Ok, Colleen, time for you to go home."

Taking Colleen's hand, Beth began walking toward her door when Colleen complained.

"Can't I have my panties back?"


"No, you may not," Beth replied, smacking Colleen's seat ten more times with the ruler. "You can get them back tomorrow when you return to work."

Beth then dialed Miss Morley's room and asked her to watch her section for a few minutes. Then, with no further complaints, Beth took Colleen's hand once again, and they left the room. Beth escorted Colleen to the employee parking lot where Colleen's car was parked. Once there, Beth released Colleen's hand and had Colleen bend over.


Beth smacked Colleen ten times, and passed on instructions given to her by Mrs. Donovan earlier.

"Your aunt won't be home until 11:00. She wants you in the corner at 10:30. I think it would be a good idea to obey her."

Colleen moaned silently, knowing what would happen when her aunt came home. Getting into her car, she winced and moaned when she sat down on the leather seat. She knew it would be an uncomfortable ride home, and later that evening, an uncomfortable ride over her aunt's knees.

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