▼ Bipolar ▼

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》Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by dramatic shifts in mood and behavior.
(No, not every person with bipolar disorder is like Kanye lol)

Symptoms of bipolar depression include:

Persistent empty or "blue" feeling.

Lack of interest or pleasure in usual activities.

Sleep changes – either insomnia or excessive sleep.

Lack of motivation and neglect of routine tasks such as personal grooming.


Symptoms of bipolar mania include:

Reduced need for sleep.

Grandiose plans and beliefs that are not realistic.

Racing thoughts.

Taking on multiple projects and marked increase in goal directed behavior.

Risk taking behavior and distorted judgment, for example crazy business schemes, reckless investments, sexual indiscretions, shopping sprees, gambling binges.

》There is no single cause for bipolar disorder. Indeed, like all psychological disorders, bipolar disorder is a complex condition with multiple contributing factors, including:

Genetic: Bipolar disorder tends to run in families, so researchers believe there is a genetic predisposition for the disorder. Scientists also are exploring the presence of abnormalities on specific genes.

Biological: Researchers believe that some neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine, don't function properly in individuals with bipolar disorder.

Environmental: Outside factors, such as stress or a major life event, may trigger a genetic predisposition or potential biological reaction. For instance, if bipolar disorder was entirely genetic, both identical twins would have the disorder. But research reveals that one twin can have bipolar, while the other does not, implicating the environment as a potential contributing cause.

》Because depressive episodes are typically long-lasting and often dominate bipolar disorder, it's easy for these to be mistaken for other types of depression. Further compounding the diagnosis is the fact that manic episodes may make a patient feel productive and happy, hardly the type of condition for which the average person may seek help. Bipolar disorder requires significant medical history, and a patient may not perceive hypomania as part of their illness.

There is more than one type of bipolar disorder. The symptoms of bipolar disorder can present at different severities and in various combinations in different people, so there are actually four different conditions related to the disorder:

Bipolar I is considered the classic type of bipolar disorder. Individuals experience both manic and depressive episodes of varying lengths.

Bipolar II involves less severe manic episodes than bipolar I; however, their depressive episodes are the same.

Cyclothymia is a chronic but milder form of bipolar disorder, characterized by episodes of hypomania and depression that lasts for at least two years.

Mixed episodes are ones in which mania and depression occur simultaneously. Individuals might feel hopeless and depressed yet energetic and motivated to engage in risky behaviors.

Rapid-cycling bipolar individuals experience four or more episodes of mania, depression, or both within one year.

》Most people who have the condition develop it in their late teenage or early adult years, according to the NIMPH . However, younger teenagers and children can develop it, too.

》According to The World Health Organization, Manic Bipolar Episodes are one of the top three causes of hospitalization in people aged 15-44

》While most often defined by swings between manic and depressive episodes, it's possible for symptoms of both to exist at the same time. Since this usually combines dark moods and high energy, a mixed episode is a potentially high-risk condition.

》It is estimated that 5% of the world's population is on the bipolar spectrum, while just 1-2% are diagnosed

》Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed as depression in women or schizophrenia in men.

》Despite being a life-long illness, bipolar disorder is very manageable. In fact, it is one of the "best" mental illnesses to have in that there are many effective bipolar treatments available.

》Another common misdiagnosis is to pronounce someone bipolar when they really have borderline personality disorder.

Celebs with Bipolar Disorder:

Mariah Carey

Carrie Fisher

Bebe Rexha

Russell Brand

Jimi Hendrix

Frank Sinatra

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