▲ Escapism ▲

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》Escapism is the repeated use of an activity or behavior to distract the mind from reality or unpleasant emotions. Anyone who wants to avoid pain or discomfort may seek escapism. This may relate to life's regular challenges, traumatic events, or situations.

Escapism may reflect a periodic, normal, and common impulse, as might be seen in harmless daydreams, or it may be evidence of or accompany symptoms of neurosis or more serious mental pathology.

Drugs and alcohol may be escapist strategies; however, they also change the individual and their abilities to face the realities of life on physical, mental, and psychological levels.

Common types of escapism are:

Media: Spending time on social media, playing online or electronic games, scrolling the internet, or watching shows or movies

Physical activity: Team or individual sports, exercise, running, walking, or any form of physical activity

Work: Getting absorbed into a job, school, or a work-related task or goal

Shopping: Sometimes referred to as shop therapy or retail therapy, overspending or buying things that are not needed as a way of avoiding negative emotions

Substances: Use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs

Overeating: Eating more of anything than necessary for nourishment; typically involves excess sweets or ultra-processed foods

Daydreaming: Using the mind and thoughts to imagine various scenarios or possibilities that may or may not be realistic

Literature: Reading books to get involved in stories that take away from the realities of life

Other addictive behaviors: Gambling, sex, or pornography addictions

》Some of the adverse effects of escapism include the following:


Decreased productivity

Loss of job

Mental health challenges

Not accomplishing goals

Physical health challenges

Poor performance

Substance misuse

Relationship challenges


Despite the risks, escapism isn't always bad. Sometimes it can be good. Daydreaming and imaginative play, for example, are healthy components of child development. Getting lost in a book can be an excellent way for readers of all ages to experience joy, exercise the brain, and reduce stress.

Physical activity is one of the essential cornerstones of health. Using physical activity as escapism to take a break from the stressors of the real world is a great way to keep stress low and creativity high.

One way to determine if your chosen escapism is healthy is to consider your motivation for participating in it. Exercise such as running is a healthy form of escapism if your goals are to increase positive emotions and promote well-being. An example of exercise as an unhealthy form of escapism is when your goals are to prevent or decrease negative emotions or as a form of punishment.

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