▼ Self-Harm ▼

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Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a real human. (Hotline for self harm)

Self-harm involves a person damaging their body by cutting, burning, scratching or practicing any other behavior that results in pain or injury

》People who self-harm have turned to hurting themselves as their coping mechanism to manage their emotions.

》People might self-harm to:

Process their negative feelings

Distract themselves from their negative feelings

Feel something physical, particularly if they are feeling numb

Develop a sense of control over their lives

Punish themselves for things they think they've done wrong

Express emotions that they are otherwise embarrassed to show

》About 17% of all people will self-harm during their lifetime

》The average age of the first incident of self-harm is 13

45% of people use cutting as their method of self-injury

》About 50% of people seek help for their self-harm but only from friends instead of professionals

》Self-harm can be seriously dangerous—physically, emotionally, socially, all aspects of life

Physical Effects of Self-Harm

Permanent scars

Uncontrolled bleeding


Emotional Effects of Self-Harm

Guilt or shame

A diminished sense of self, including feeling helpless or worthless

Addiction to the behavior

Social Effects of Self-Harm

Avoiding friends and loved ones

Becoming ostracized from loved ones who may not understand

Interpersonal difficulty from lying to others about injuries

》Aside from very young children, adults are the least likely group of people to follow through with self-injury. Only about 5% of adults have self-injured in their adulthood

》Studies find that about 15% of college students report engaging in self-harm.

Adolescents have the highest rate of self-injurious behaviors, with about 17% admitting to self-injury at least once in their life.

》While women are more likely to self-harm,
males may represent at least 35% of total self-injury cases.

Men are more likely to underreport self-injury and have other people hurt them than women.

Gay and bisexual people are at a high risk of self-injury. Nearly half of all bisexual females engage in self-injury.

》the average age of onset for self-injury is 13. This age seems to align with new stressors and expectations at school and home as the child enters their teenage years.

》This time is also linked to the emergence of mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, which may further trigger a desire to self-harm.

》Variety of biological and environmental issues known to cause self-harm:

Having friends or family members who self-injure

Experiencing stressful life situations like traumatic events, family instability and sexual identity uncertainty

Living in social isolation

Mental health conditions, like depression, anxiety and personality disorders

Drug and alcohol use or addiction

The more of these factors a person has, the higher their risk of self-harm.

Nonsuicidal self-injury involves symptoms like:

Engaging in self-harm on five or more days over the last year

Self-injuring to find relief from an unwanted feeling, solve a relationship conflict or create a desired feeling

Self-harm involves unwanted feeling like depression, anxiety or anger, an intense focus on completing the behavior and frequent thoughts of self-injury

Self-harm often co-occurs with mental health disorders. Historically, self-harm was thought to be directly connected to borderline personality disorder.

》Self-harm can also be connected to :

Eating disorders

Substance use disorders



》One study found that of people who self-injure:

20% have personality disorders

13.5% have adjustment disorders

11% have mood disorders, like depression or bipolar disorder

》Addition research shows that about 55% of people who self-harm have eating disorders.

》People who engaged in 20 or more self-harm behaviors are about 3.5 times more likely to attempt suicide compared to those who have fewer self-injury actions.

》If you or someone you know is struggling with self-harm please seek professional help or support from trusted loved ones, or contact the suicide or self harm hotline number for your area (all found online)


As someone who's struggled with self harm I just want you to know I understand, I empathize, and I'm here for you.

I'm evidence that you can do it. I'm over 2 years clean.

You're so strong, so brave, capable, valuable, and there is absolutely no one like you.

Please if you ever think of cutting think to yourself, would I do this to (Enter comfort person here such as fictional character / your younger self / celebrity / youtuber / friend / even me if you have to)

I love you. You can do this.

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