twenty seven

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•{ Andrea's POV }•

I took Jason to the cells, and everyone decides to follow me. I throw him into one that is off by itself. It's the better choice for sure..but it's still a prison cell. He watches me along with everyone else as I take off his cuffs.

"Andrea.." Jason starts

I just shake my head not wanting to deal with him at the moment. I get up and walk out of the cell. I lock the cell door myself. I turn and see that everyone is watching me with curiosity.

"All of you can stop looking at me like that."
I say in a distant and detached tone

"Who is he?" Ander questions

"Ask him." I say coldly

Ander steps closer to his cell and asks "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

"Jason, I'm Artemis's son." Jason answers

Ander looks back at me and I give a slight nod.

"What are you doing here?" Ander questions

"To warn Andrea, and to apologize." Jason says

"Apologize?" Ander asks

"For leaving her alone." Jason confesses

"Everyone get out." Ander orders

I turn to walk out of the cells beside Isla.

"Andrea and Roslyn stay." Ander says

I immediately stop walking along with Roslyn who goes back over to stand by his side, but surprisingly Nicolás stops at the door.

"Nicolás you can leave." Ander says

"If she stays, I stay." Nicolás says

I didn't expect that.
Ander raises an eyebrow but nods nevertheless.

"Why are you here to warn Andrea?"
Ander questions

"The woman I met and officially left the mafia behind for is her fathers sister. I married her, and it turned out to be a trap. I didn't find out until last week when I heard her talking on the phone to Alastair. They planned it from the beginning. If I was out of the picture then your father could have a better chance of sending someone inside the mafia to get you." Jason explained

"What's our aunts name?" Ander asks

"Annalise." I answer

Jason looks at me in little surprise.

"You knew?" Ander asks

"I didn't know she shared our blood. I knew her name, and that her past never added up. I know Artemis tried to keep tabs on them but then he died. I know Jason still continued to leave even when his father was on his death bed. I also knew that no matter what I found against the woman that Jason wouldn't listen to me or anyone. He was too happy to let a little concern from someone in his past stop him." I say with detachment

Then I let out a cold laugh without any humor in it and say "I also know that while I handled yet another death, a new mafia leader, and being handed off as a lifeless doll... that he couldn't be bothered to check in. He used to be someone I considered to be my biggest protector and father.. but right now he's nothing to me but someone who left his father to die without him, and someone who left the girl that he called his daughter alone with the wolves that he brought around her."

I look at Jason who wears a guilty and shameful facial expression and I say "I am glad that you got even just a taste of happiness, and I sincerely hope it was worth it." 

Knowing that had he of stayed I wouldn't have gone through everything I did. I walk out of the cells and run to the only place that seemed to come to mind.
Through the woods to a hidden red rose garden where Artemis's grave is.... and where he had headstones made for Nana Athena, Pa Hector, and my Mother.


As I arrive in the red rose garden that no one even knows about outside of Jason, Isla, and Bart. I sit down in front of all the graves on a stone bench.

"I can't keep doing this. I'm tired of letting people in then losing them, and I'm tired of pushing everyone away. I'm tired of being a victim. I'm tired of living while suffering quietly... and most of all I'm tired of living without all of you." I say as tears come into my eyes.. I shake my head and take breath forcing the tears to go away.

I let out a humorous laugh.

"And I'm going insane, because now I'm talking to nothing but cement." I say out loud

I guess it's the thought that counts.
But right now in this moment where everything is falling apart, and I'm realizing that my life has done nothing other than crumble... there is no where else I'd rather be then here. With nothing but beauty that the red roses hold, cement that sums up the lives of the ones I held closest, and underneath it all are the dried up corpses of the ones I loved laid to rest. What a depressing yet somehow calming realization...

Maybe I am finally going crazy, but I'd rather them be far away from here than to know what I've been going through. I hope they are in a better place where they'll never have to know everything they sacrificed was almost completely ruined.

I'll just sit here and try to forget the things that exist and happen in this world. My world.

I'll allow myself to space off and enjoy this little peace of forgetting everything.

If only for a few minutes....

The Mafia's Affair ( #4 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now