twenty three

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{ Andrea's POV }

After we made our grand entrance to the dinner party, and walked into the dinning hall..
I parted ways with Charlotte when we reached Andrei.. and ever since I've been in a corner discussing things with Donte.

"Has Ander talked with you?" He asks

"Yes." I answer

"Do you know who will take over in Italy?"
He questions

"I'm assuming you." I tell him with a shrug

"I thought you would." He says

"If I wanted to be a mafia boss, I would be the boss here." I say vaguely

"What are you even saying?" He asks

"Just that I don't have any intentions of ever becoming a mafia boss. I know I could be one, and I was trained to be one...but that isn't what I want. Donte, you are the underboss so as far as I'm concerned if you want the job you can have it. Ander hasn't brought it up, and I don't know his plan moving forward with Italy but I do know that it won't be with me." I tell him point blank

Donte just looks at me in surprise but nods.

"Do you think I'd make a good boss?" He asks

"I'm sure you'll do a better job than Samuele."
I say sipping my drink

Donte lets out a laugh and says "I don't think that will be to hard. I could do nothing but sit in a chair and I'd still be doing better."

I give a light laugh at his joke.

"That is true, just be someone that everyone can respect. Don't get in over your head, and remain humble. Be respectful to those who are above you, honest to those on your level, and be fair to those that are under you." I tell him my advice

"For someone who hardly ever speaks you have more wisdom then what I would've guessed."
Donte says

"Part of having wisdom is knowing when to and when not to speak." I reply simply

He nods with a smile

"You are right." He says

I give a nod and drink some more.


Eventually Ander walks over to me, and offers me his arm to which I take. We walk to the front of the room near where Roslyn is sitting with a poker face on, but I catch a wink she sends us. Making me smirk.

"For those of you who don't know, staff included.. I would like to inform you that Andrea is my sister, unfortunately we share the same bastard of a father." Ander says

I hear a few gasps from the ladies and maids, and I promise Luis and Donte cursed. Everyone is surprised, but I think that that was a given.

"I didn't know until a few days ago myself. I should also inform you that I have made the mistake of marrying her off against her wishes, and to make it up to her we will be finding and killing Samuele. Not only for his betrayal to the family, but for raising a hand against Andrea." Ander announces

Shockingly Charlotte, Isabel, and Roslyn all clap.
Which brings a slight smile to my face.

"Andrea and I have worked everything out and will continue to figure out where we stand.. as well as where she'll stand within the mafia. The details of her life will remain secret unless Andera decides otherwise. All I can say is that she is part of the reason I am in the position of power that I am in today.. and I would like to publicly apologize and say that I am sorry Andrea for the part of pain I caused in your life... and because you have opened my eyes I have decided that arranged marriages will no longer be allowed in the mafia, unless both people fully consent without anyone forcing them." Ander says

I look at him in surprise and give him a smile.
He gives one back with a nod.

"Samuele, Chelsea, and our father Alastair are to be captured, and locked up until we fully decide their fates. Andrea will help me with my decisions because they have affected her life the most, and she deserves justice." Ander says

Then he adds "That is all, now everyone eat and drink..for we will soon go to the ballroom for a dance to celebrate our family. Not by blood but by loyalty."

Everyone nods and claps in agreement and respect for Ander.


We sit down and eat dinner while drinking an expensive and fancy wine. I'm sitting beside Ander on his right side while Roslyn is on his left. Nicolás is sitting on the other side of me.

Just as all of us are just about done eating my father Alastair walks in the dinning hall in a navy suite with a in his eye. Acting as if he owns the place.

"I came to have a talk with my daughter, I think it's long overdue." Alastair announces boldly

My whole body tenses so I take a breath, but I can't seem to relax. I feel a warm strong hand grab mine underneath the table. Nicolás.

I take another breath, and this time it works a little. After realizing that I'm still not alone with the monster standing by the door.

"Andrea won't be speaking to you."
Ander says in a rough tone

I can tell he is on edge and tense as well.

"She doesn't have a choice, unless she wants everyone in this mansion to die." He says

I look him dead in the eye.

"I have a bomb set to go off in the mansion, and if you refuse to talk to me, or if I'm killed or harmed in anyway. Everyone here will die." He informs me

Well, he isn't bluffing.

"So what is it going to be Andera?" Alastair asks

Why does he assume that I would talk with him, just because he wants to kill everyone in mansion?

I don't really know any of them. Talking to him is going against everything everyone who raised me wanted.

But I can't just let them die..

Can I ?

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