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A baby born of an affair.

A toddler who watched their mother die, and had nightmares for years after.

A little girl who was raised by her grandmother, always being taught life lessons and to see what was wrong in the world instead of the beauty it held.

A teenager who was taken away from everything and everyone she ever knew, only to be thrown right in the middle of the life that her grandmother warned her to run from.

A woman who was thrown into a marriage with a wealthy man for appearances, by her sperm donor who was unfortunately meant to be her father.


All just for no one to know of her existence.

That woman is me, Andrea Danae Castellanos.

My life has always been controlled by everything, and everyone else. Meanwhile I'm forced to just sit and watch.

However, recently the mafia itself has been changing. I think it's time I myself change, and give everyone a piece of my own personal hell.


Welcome To The Mafia.

Where you can't trust anyone, but have to trust someone.

Unfortunately we're some kind of messed up family that instead of loving each other like most do, we all despise each other. - xo Andrea

The Mafia's Affair ( #4 in the Mafia Series )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt