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{ Andrea's POV }

Currently in the mafia the older families have gotten out, or they have taken other rolls that aren't as involved.

From what I hear they are happy, and content in the lives they are living, and they tend to visit America quite often. The American part of the mafia is more of a legit business now, but they still cover for the other parts.


My half brother Ander is like the boss of the bosses, and then the boss over each part has like an underboss himself. It's hard to explain, but the mafia is changing everyday and I'm in the backseat with a view of it all.

I know all there is to know, and I've even helped Ander more than he even knows.

No one knows that.. expect maybe Isla.
Most people don't even know that I exist.. and even when and if they do, they don't know who I really am. Artemis made sure of that. Per my request.

All most people know is that Artemis took me in because I didn't have any other family. They asked questions.. Ander did... but those answers were never answered.


As for me now. Well... I've been stuck in a loveless arranged marriage with Samuele, the Italian Don for over a year.

Samuele actually isn't a horrible Don, but he isn't the smartest. He doesn't care for anyone, and he's a cheating bastard. Which is why we don't share a room. He seems to have a play thing in every city for when he travels, his main one is Chelsea Clark.

Chelsea is an American, but she's currently living in Italy and basically living in the mansion with us..and when she's not here in the mansion, she lives in our guest house around the corner. Sick right?

They think I don't realize what they are doing.. but I'd be pretty blind, and incredibly stupid not to see it. I just don't really care.

I don't love him, I don't even like him.
I'm not jealous, or bitter.
I'm just a little angry because it makes me look weak, and because of how I let them treat me.

Yes, I let them.. I don't really know why.

I've been letting everyone, and everything else control how I live my life. It's a bit pathetic at this point.. but what am I suppose to do?

Go against everything that I've known for years?Potentially risk my life by betraying someone?Continue playing the roll of a dumb clueless trophy wife? Or be honest?

All of the above is a possibility.


There's only one person in this world who knows the whole truth about my life. Isla. To everyone else she's just my personal maid, but to me she's family.

Artemis asked her to stay with me so I wouldn't be alone after he passed, because he knew I wouldn't tell Ander the truth about who I am.

Which I didn't.. and it landed me in a stupid marriage. I didn't even want a husband, I never  dreamed of getting married, and surely not this way. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I ever told Ander the truth.

Would he have signed me over?
That's something I'll never know.

But it's not like that matters much anymore...
I'm pretty pathetic these days. I wasn't always this way, but sometimes you just get tired of getting back up and fighting another day.

I just got to the point after Artemis died and Jason left. I mean what does getting back up even do?

Because all I've ever gotten from it is pain.

Every time I've gotten back up someone's died or left.

Sometimes fighting isn't the answer or at least for me it hasn't been.


Ander on the other hand who I'm sure didn't have a perfect life either is getting married to the woman who fits him perfectly. Her name is Roslyn Shay, she's an assassin, but she's still amazing in my book. I mean I'm not for killing people just because you get paid too... but in life everything isn't black and white. That is something I learnt as soon as I moved in with Artemis.


I've heard of and met a few others in the mafia but only the higher ups.

There's Donte, he's Samuele's underboss, and if you ask my opinion he's better suited for being Don. Unfortunately I didn't get a vote.

I've met the Russian boss Andrei Volkov, and his wife Charlotte also known as Lottie. He's quiet but observes everything like some kind of bird. It actually almost made me uncomfortable because of how observant he is. Charlotte is also quiet and doesn't seem to really fit in this world. I think she's to innocent for it, almost angel like. She actually reminds me of a younger me, which is odd because we are close in age but still.

I haven't met Andrei's underboss but I hear he's like the Russian Hulk..well at least that's how Isla described him. He's name is Vlad, I think.


I haven't met the Spanish boss or his underboss, or the boss or underboss from Japan..but I've heard of them. The Spanish boss is Nicolás Rodriguez, and his underboss is Luis Hernández. They are located in Mexico. Nobody hears from them that much, and they only show up if it's demanded of them to which explains why I've never met them.

Well that and to be honest I don't go to most of the events myself. Samuele goes by himself, and Chelsea waits in the limo for him, or pretends to just show up to events at the same time. I may be a little pathetic letting my life turn out this way, but she's desperate and sad. Honestly it's trashy of Samuele.


The boss in Japan is Chan Zhang, and his underboss happens to be his wife Isabel. Which is pretty bad ass if you ask me, and I don't even cuss.. but a female underboss calls for it.

I mean I know the mafia is letting up on women a little since the whole mother daughter thing that was Tori and Reia. I'm aware of the history.. but it's amazing. At least I think it is.

I'm not saying that woman are all powerful and mighty. Because some aren't. They could be..they just choose not to be. I'm not giving a speech but it amazes me that Chan would pick his wife to be his underboss, and that other leaders would continue to let her be his underboss.

It makes me have a respect for Isabel and Chan, and I've never even met them.


But anyway this is my life..

Take it or leave it..

I'm trying to leave it but that's just me.

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