Chapter 4 - Ships

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Silence passes over for a while and you noticed Angel giving side glances as her fiddled with his food.

"You have questions," You turn to Angel who nods.

"Yes!" You smile and wipe your mouth with the napkin. "What is... what is this show like?"

"Chaotic, oh so very chaotic and mysterious,"

"What do you know?" Vaggie narrows her eyes at you.

"A few things Vivzie lets us know... Vivzie is the creator of the show," You quickly add after confused glances. "I know roughly what year you all died, but how you died is a bit of a mystery, except Angels and a bit of Al's,"

"Seriously?" You nod.

"Sir pentious was 1888, Al was 1933 and Angel was '47, Niffty and Vox was the 50s, Husk in the 70s, Cherri is 80s and Vaggie was 2014..." Thinking for a little while you shrug. "That's about it actually, I do like the ships and head canons-"

"There are... ships?" Vaggies eyes widen.

"Oh yeah, loads, with like every character," She gives concerned glances to the group.

"What do you mean by 'ship'?"

"Its just when two or more characters get paired together, most of them are romantic," Angel's grin widens and almost beats Alastors.

"Tell me!" You giggle at his reaction.

"I'll name the main ones, most are shipped with Alastor though," You see the demons smile falter. "There is Radio Dust, which is Al and Angel, Chalastor, which is Al and Charlie, Chaggie which is Charlie and Vaggie, RadioHusk which is Husk and Al and a bunch more, I swear the ship list goes on for days and we only have the pilot..."

"You hear that Smiles? People ship us together," Angel leans over to Alastor who stabs a fork into the spiders hand. "Mother fucker!"

"Oh sorry, did you say something?" Alastors head snaps to Angel.

"Satan- no, Christ," He grumbles and massages his hand which and a slight tint of pink blood in his gloves.

"There's... more?" Vaggie eye twitches as Charlie blushes.

"Too much, I may make a list if you want-"

"No-" Vaggie starts.

"Yes!" Angel butts in. "Give me the list," you chuckle and nod.

"Oh, and my software downloaded and my login worked so I still have my old drawings and even the Hazbin logo,"

"Seriously?" You nod. "That's great! Can I see?" You nod and unlock the tablet, scrolling down you find the Hazbin Logo.

"Here," you pass over the tablet as she squeals at the logo. "But I didn't make that logo, a different artists did and now it's the official logo,"

"But this is so cool! Mind if I scroll?"

"Sure, but I warn you, there is a bit of fan art in there I did as commissions," she nods in understanding and starts to scroll. Vaggie peers over and scrunches her face, probably about the Chalastor art. Suddenly Charlie stops and looks at a piece of art.

"This..." you stand up and walk to her side. Looking down you smile.

"My best work, the Hazbin human AU," it was a drawing of the Hazbins as humans, taking a picture. "Though of course this is based off theories on how you guys should look,"

"This is actually pretty accurate," Everyone soon walked to see, even Niffty was here in time.

"Not bad, kid," Husk admires his human form before ruffling your hair.

"Thanks, Husk," he nods. "There of course is more human versions," you swipe to the left. "The triple V overlords," It was human versions of Velvet, Vox and Valentino. "And Cherri and Sir Pentious," swiping again it was as said.

"These are amazing!" Niffty butts in. "What other art do you have?" Charlie passes the tablet to you.

"I have this one that I really like," finding the 2p art you hand it back. "It's just alternate versions of your personality," Everyone scrunches up their faces. "Not exactly ideal for you guys but I like it,"

"Well, I love it... even though I look a bit mean..." Charlie adds the last bit in a mumble.

"What's the fanfic like?" You snort at Nifftys question.

"There's a lot of Alastor x readers," She giggles as Alastor tilts his head in confusion. "Don't worry people love your oneshots," she blushes as you sit down with her by your side.

"X reader... I've heard that before," Vaggie takes time to think before it dawns on her. "No way..."

"Oh yes way, there are thousands,"

"That's gross," Vaggie pretends to gag making you and Niffty burst into laughter.

"That's not even bad, think about the NSFW art," she shakes her heads and clasps hand on her ears. "Think about it Vaggie!~" you sing happily. "There's so much smut," You whisper to Niffty who squeals.

"Smut?!" You lean back in your chair and nod. "I'm too gay for this," Vaggie buries her head in her napkin as you finish your food.

"What? Smut about what?" Charlie asks cautiously.

"All of you and who ever is reading the smut," Angel grins wider than ever, Alastor chokes on his water, Charlie blushes, and Husks jaw drops. "Oh this reaction is perfect," With a laugh Niffty takes your plate. "Dinner was great, I'll get right onto that advertisement," waving the group goodbye you skip down the hall and back to the elevator.

"Bye, I guess," Charlie was able to say. When you were back in your room you sat in the desk chair. Taking your stylus you open your software... the question is what were you going to draw?

Where to start?


Cringe thats all my work

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Cringe thats all my work

- Anna ❤️

Candy demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now