Canyon Moon.

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A/N: It's been toooo long. I'm already halfway through the next chapter though so it should be coming sooner rather than later I promise!!!

Also! I know you guys have been seeing my hints about the ending, but I can promise you that whatever you guess will not be exact. I can also promise pain, but I promise recovery too. Bittersweet happy, sad. It's all up to how you interpret things. I think the ending is completely happy, but some of y'all might disagree. Who knows!!!

But until then.... ENJOY!!!!




Things didn't really work out the way they were supposed to. Cherry hasn't been back with us since the first night of the tour. She doesn't seem happy either.. Every call we've gotten from her whether it's me or Harry she seems like she's just trying to catch up with everything that life throws at her. It's been almost an entire month since we've seen her, and I know it's been hard on debbie downer too. He doesn't like being away from her, and I understand why. She's kinda like a light in the room with all of us. When we're down she's quick to bring us all up. When we're tired... even her, she's the hype beast, making sure we all get our heads in the right space.

"She'll be back tonight right?" Sarah runs up behind me and asks, and I nod.

"Yeah, she'll be brought out to her seat after the show starts so he won't see her until we move to B stage.." I tell her.

"You're sure he's going to see her?" She asks, and I nod.

"We saw her crystal clear the first night... and even though he knows she won't be there I've seen him, he looks right where she'd be sitting if she was." I tell her, and she sits down next to me, putting her hands on top of mine.

"Are you okay?" She asks, and I nod, squeezing her hands.

"I'm good, I just worry about him." I tell her.

"Me too, he's the heart of the band, the front man.. More than that he's a big softie, and he's different without her." She speaks my thoughts exactly.

"I just hope that they don't... that they don't end badly if they do end.." I tell her my thoughts, wondering how she'll react to them.

"You don't think they'll... you don't think they'll break up?" She asks, and I shake my head at first, and then stop myself. I shrug now, and look at her.

"I don't think it's him... I think it's her.. In the beginning of it all no, not a chance did I think she'd be the one to break anything off, but after they did break up, after she changed the way she did... She's a free spirit. She's not the kind of person to be tied down to one thing, or follow a plan anymore... I don't know what will happen, but.. But I hope that he can pull through if something does go wrong." I speak truthfully to her, and sigh at the thought of them not being together. They really are meant for each other, they compliment each other in so many ways it's unreal...

"I can see that I guess.. I just like having her around." She tells me, and I nod, knowing not only Harry, but all of us have become really close to her. All of us love her more than a friend, more like a sister, like a part of our family. "So Jeffrey knows she's coming, but Harry doesn't?" I ask.

"He has not a clue. She told him she wasn't sure when she'd be back yet, but she lied of course." I tell her.

"What are we talking about?" Harry walks up, and sits down backstage with us, sitting in our dressing room instead of his own.

Cherry- H.SWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt