From The Dining Table.

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A/N: This is a double update!!! So there's another chapter after this one!!!!


I walk into the studio, and see a familiar head of curly hair sitting down, looking at his phone. I walk right in, and set my things down , watching him as he looks up at me.

    "Hi." He smiles, instantly turning his phone off.

    "Hi." I smile back. He stands up, and I take him in, seeing how good he looks. He always does, literally every time he goes out. He moves forward, pulling me into him for a hug.

    "What is your favorite color today?" He asks softly, and I smile as he hugs me.

    "It's a weird purple pink mixture because that was the color of the smoothie I made today, and it was grade A... Food critics were raving." I joke, and he laughs. He pulls back, and I look up to him as he does. "What's wrong?" I ask, and he just shakes his head, moving back to where he was sitting.

    "It's nothing. Um, the rest of the team isn't coming today, s'just us..." He tells me, and I nod, looking down. "You look tired..." He notices, and I shrug.

    "I'm alright." I tell him.

    "I'm going to have to give Bowie a swift talking to next time I come over." He sighs, and I furrow my brows.

    "Why?" I ask.

    "Because it's obvious he's been keeping you up at night... Wild one that cat..." He shakes his head, playing off the joke, and it works, giving me soft laughter. "Have they been bad?" He asks, and I shrug.

    "Kind of the same as they always are, but I'm trying to sleep every night.. Not as many all-nighters." I tell him.

    "I want you to sleep through the night." He gives me a soft frown, his face concerned, and I shrug.

    "It sounds nice, but it's not going to happen for a long while it feels like." I shrug again.

    "I haven't seen you in two days, and it feels like I've missed so much." He mumbles, and I know the feeling... I've felt it too. "You seem so down Cherry... I don't like it." He mumbles as I sit in front of him.

    "Do you ever have those days where you're just sad... Designated sad days... That's just what they are.." I ask.

    "I think I'm having one of those days too... I've been missing the sun." He tells me, his eyes trained on the ground.

    "It's been sunny every day though." I furrow my brows.

    "I know.." He looks up at me when he speaks it, and my chest ruptures with warmth. Did he mean me? That's what he meant or I'm crazy... That has to be what he meant. " I wrote something... A good bit, but it's kind of sad.." He warns me, and I shrug.

    "Most of what's happened the past few days has felt that way... Go ahead, lay it on me." I wave my hands and he picks up his acoustic guitar. The strum of his guitar is soft, it's a low thrum, soft plucking that calms you, and I find myself closing my eyes at the sound.

    "Woke up alone in this hotel room, played with myself where were you? Fell back asleep I got drunk by noon. I've never felt less cool..." The lyrics are honest, and raw, but I keep my eyes closed, listening to the comforting sound despite the sad lyrics. "We haven't spoke since you went away. Comfortable silence is so overrated. Why won't you ever be the first one to break? Even my phone misses your call... By the way..." I finally open my eyes, and he keeps playing, but gives me eyes, showing me he wants me to continue on.

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