Lover Of Mine.

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A/N: Um... Hi, I've missed all of you... We're almost at three million reads which is insane, and I've had a lot of time, to think and write, and just breathe which has been good.

The song for this chapter just relates to it, you don't have to play it at a certain time, and Cherry doesn't write it, I just think it fits.



    It's been a few days of pondering, and talking, and hanging out around the city. I haven't gone into the studio, at least not with the team. I questioned why we weren't meeting as much and Harry told me it was because we had a lot of time before we needed to focus on a whole new album... Mitch then proceeded to tell me that this is the only time we've got off until the next tour starts which is in a month from what I understand. Which only throws me off more.

Harry has been doing different things around LA, he's been ridiculously busy, and he's invited me to come with him everywhere he needs to go, but that's one of the reasons I love being who I am. I'm not some celebrity, I'm not in his world, meaning I can stay out of the limelight, and I don't need to go to big events, or crazy promotional things like he does. So I haven't seen him since coming home, but we have an appointment at the adoption center today, so I'll be seeing him now, and I will be bringing up the tour if he doesn't because it's making me anxious.

    "Earth to Cherry?" I turn next to me, and look at Sandy, feeling bad for spacing out again.

    "I'm sorry.. I was just thinking." I tell her, bringing my mug to my lips as we sit on my couch.

    "Thinking about Harry, and touring again?" She asks, and I sigh. I told her about all of this last night, and she listened and we ended the night watching scary movies, and falling asleep on my couch. "Why don't you just ask him about it?" She asks, and I shake my head.

    "Because as good as things are, and as confident as I am in his growth, part of me is scared he hasn't said anything because he doesn't know how to tell me he's not bringing me with him." I tell her honestly.

    "So you really think he brought you all the way to New York, asked you to be his girlfriend, had sex with you in his nice ass apartment, and then gave you a whole ass promise ring just to break up with you? Is that what you're telling me?" She asks, and I give her an unamused look over my shoulder.

    "I'm not saying he's going to break it off, I just... There has to be a reason he's not bringing it up... He only keeps things from me when they scare him, or something bad could come from them, that's how he is." I explain, and she shakes her head.

    "Okay you're Darlene fucking Summers. Put your big girl pants on and get the answers you want, and if he pulls that shit he pulled last time, you put your foot down. Don't let him run away again because we both know, no... the entire world knows that he's a mess without you. Talk to him... You know how important communication is babe." She gives me a soft look, and I nod.

    "It is, but for some reason it's the one thing we struggle with..." I sigh.

    "Everyone struggles with shit, especially the two of you. You'll get through to each other, but you have to take the lead in this, get what you want... I'll see you tonight okay? I've got to run, my shift starts soon." She tells me as she pushes herself off of the couch.

    "Alright I love you lots, make lots of good smoothies today." I smile.

    "Yeah I'll try my best.. And hey, relax... You literally look tense from here.. Take a chill pill, calm down, and let your feelings speak for themself. Everything will be fine, just relax." She warns me, and I nod, watching her turn, and walk out the door. As soon as she does I get myself up, and do something I haven't done in a long time, I move right down to the floor next to my couch, and lay down, staring right at the ceiling. I always thought the best here, relaxed here.. I of course had Bowie with me, but I'm hoping this has the same effect. I stare up at the blank ceiling and breathe out, my hands placed on my stomach.

Cherry- H.SOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant