Chapter 13-Is It True?

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The raspy voiced man grinned. With his red eyes and dark, limp hair, he looked creepy when he grinned. "You should know by now, anything is possible in our world."

Hemali was confused, "So you didn't die in the fire either?"

"Of course not," Hemali's teacher scoffed.

"I should've known," Hemali whispered dejectedly. "Should've known that you were lying again."

Hemali's teacher waited patiently.

"But I don't belive you're my father," Hemali glared. "I think you're just a minion of the demons."

Rolling his eyes, his father responded, "I am Helputt Tetsu, father of the so-called Prince Tetsu, Hemali who ran away from our neighborhood 5 years ago, when villagers found a burned dead body that they believed was mine. I taught Hemali, and was disappointed when I found out he ran away, since I had taught him I knew. On that fateful day, one of the top demon commanders approached me, telling me he too had lost a beloved one. With a promise I'd find my son again, that commander convinced me to join the ranks of demons. I loved my son, but when I saw him, I had changed too much. I had become a demon as well; I even looked the part. So, yes, in a way I am a minion, but like Ran, I'm now one of the top commanders."

Hemali's eyes widened. "You knew he wasn't dead the whole time? Was EVERYTHING you told me a lie?"

Smiling casually, Hemali's sensei responded, "Of course, why should I tell you the truth? I taught you everything I knew, I even raised you the way my own parents raised me, and in return, you run away from me."

If looks could kill, Helputt would be dead by now. "And to think I was going to tell you what happened," Hemali snarled, before stomping out of the room. Luckily, he wasn't so angry that he forgot to grab his cannon. It would've been very awkward if he'd had to come back to get his weapon after leaving like that.

Helputt could only stare as his son left. He was actually going to tell me? He wondered. He sighed. I suppose people do change.

~~~~Helputt Flashback~~~~ (A/N: MWAHAHAHA you weren't expecting a flashback from a demon were u? :3)

"Come on, Hemali!" Helputt cried. "I know you can do better than this!"

Hemali growled, "I can't! Why can't we just call it quits for today?!?!"

Helputt glared at his son, "Hemali, you know our family is known for our expertise in using artillery. We're as famous for it as the Tentai-"

"-Are for their martial arts, blah blah blah," Hemali grumbled.

Helputt sighed, "Son, the Tetsu family desperately needs a new expert. Have you seen the other families?"

"Yes, and they always beat us in the tournaments," Hemali replied, bored. "Can I play with Aren now?"

Furious, Helputt growled at his own son and subconciously turned into a Berserker (pic on side), "Not us, it's you!!!! You never try! What must I do to make you try?!?!"

"Teach me how to do that."


"That transforming thing."


"Teach me or I'll leave this family!"

Helputt's eyes flashed red momentarily. He so desperately wanted to disown his son, but he had no choice. Hemali knew he was the only heir to the royal Tetsu family, and used it to his advantage.

Caving in a little, Helputt pleaded Hemali with his eyes, Don't make me choose.

Hemali just smiled and walked off casually. Helputt cried, "Wait!"

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