Chapter 9-The Fortune Cookie (continued)

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      Yes, I probably should have kept this with Chapter 8 but if I didn't I'd have even less to post... And I don't like posting a bunch of chapters in one week because it seems to kill off any excitement. qwq Oh great I just made another author's note... sorry people ^^" Story time~

~~What Happened in the Last Chapter (skip this if you still remember what happened in it)~~

      Kitsune received (*cough cough stole cough cough*) the fortune cookie from Hemali.

     Last line: "I DON'T CARE!!!! GIVE ME THAT!" Silver lunged at Hemali and grabbed the fortune cookie.

~Chapter 9~

      "I really think you should get something el-" Hemali started. *Nomnomnomnomnom* "Sorry what did you say?" Kitsune asked with a mouthful of cookie in her mouth. Pulling out the message, she gasped. "Your life is in danger. Say nothing to anyone. You must leave the city immediately and never return. Repeat: say nothing..." she murmured.

      "I knew something was wrong with that cookie.." Hemali muttered.

      Silver clutched the little slip of paper, "What does this mean?"

~And so, to quote Kitsune: "What does the note mean?" :3 Still need to keep up the dare so sorry that the updates will be really short (I pretty much finished the story already).

The Cookie of FortuneWhere stories live. Discover now