Chapter 16-Doyaevenlift

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Tetsu didn't know what else to do: he rubbed Kitsune's hair, making the situation even more awkward, but at least he seemed to calm her down: she was purring. Then he stole her spear—and fled.

"HEMALI TETSU YOU COME RIGHT BACK WITH MY SPEAR. OR I SWEAR I WILL-" Kitsune screamed. Hemali paused, waiting for her to finish. Bad idea. "Oh wait I don't have my weapon. In that case..." She spotted Hemali's weapon. "I'll just take your weapon!" she squealed gleefully.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO NOT MY PRECIOUS CANNON PLEASE NO KITSUNE!" Hemali wailed (A/n: like the trap he/she is :^^^] ). Kitsune picked it up. Tetsu went berserk-or rather, into berserk mode.

With a huge irk mark pulsing on his face, Hemali chased after poor Kitsune.

~1 hour later~

Kitsune and Hemali lay panting on the grass, with their weapons right next to them, exhausted from chasing after each other.

Eun yawned. So like, are you two lovebirds done yet? She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Immediately, Hemali's face transformed into a bright red tomato, said tomato face turned, and proceeded to fainting. Meanwhile, Kitsune's face turned crimson, and stomped over to her "beloved" fox friend.

Still clutching Tetsu's cannon, she growled at Eun, her voice showing a tiny, almost negligible amount of embarrassment, "W-we. Are. N-not. I r-r-repeat. N-n-not. L-l-lovers!"

Er...... Eun raised an eyebrow, and smirked, though her eyes held a mischievous, teasing light. In that case, care to explain why you were stutteri-


Then what do you call that? Profound prose? Sure didn't sound like poetry to me, and poetry doesn't sound like that, Eun mused. Also, you didn't let me finish again. The fluffy fox pouted. Kitsune could've sworn she saw Eun shrink into a tiny, fluffy kit-but it was only for a split second, so she wasn't quite sure if she saw it. The Gumiho Goddess continued, appearing oblivious to what Tentai thought she'd just seen, Let's say you weren't stuttering. So why are you still holding his cannon?

"E-e-eh?!?!?" Kitsune's face turned as red as volcanic lava, and then paled to a shade whiter than a vampire's skin. "I-I-I--" Hemali took advantage of Kitsune's indecision by taking back his cannon and running off with her spear as well. Of course, being a boy and all, he hadn't thought ahead, and had no idea how to maneuver both weapons. What happened? He face-planted, right in front of a smug Eun.

It seems you don't suffer from unrequited love, at least-he clearly likes you back~

Tentai tried to whack Eun's head, as she had with her poor love, erm, friend. Grabbing a weapon blindly, she took Hemali's cannon, but thinking it was her spear, she didn't put enough force into lifting it up and instead whacked... herself. "OW! EUN WHY ARE YOU SO HEAVY??!?!?"

What in Kami's name are you talking about you insolent child?!?!? I AM NOT HEAVY. 3 BOWLS OF RAMEN A MEAL IS NORMAL. I MEAN WHAT. I MEAN. I MEAN. Eun started coughing awkwardly.

Tetsu, with his horrible timing, woke up just then and asked aloud what in the world was going on.

Since the foxy duo was extremely annoyed, to say the least, they glared at him and stalked over. And... slapped him. Because you know, that's normal. You're mad at one of your best friends, you slap the guy you or your friend likes for interrupting. Yes. That's, uh, that's very normal. Luckily, Eun didn't claw off his face (which she probably could with her size and all)---- but she did knock him out cold. Again. Poor Hemali.

And he was completely ignored while the two females continued bickering.



"MAYBE I DO BUT I EXERCISE MORE THAN YOU. AND YOU'RE HEAVY BECAUSE JUST PUTTING YOUR PAW ON MY HEAD GAVE ME A BUMP!!!!" Kitsune pointed at her head, which was sporting a gigantic bluish bump. Which actually wasn't from Eun, although that had happened before.


"A cannon?" Tentai stared blankly at her hands, which were indeed still holding onto Hemali's cannon.

Yawning Eun muttered under her breath, doyaevenlift.... > ^>

Kitsune's head snapped from the deadly weapon in her hands to the fox. A wide grin slowly spread across her face.


Just edited this to add some things ' v' You can probably tell the difference in my writing style between now and whenever I last got off my butt to update this. Uhm... what can I say, er, school and Elsword>Wattpad? *runs behind Eun*

Also it's totally logical that Kitsune can run with a cannon and manages to drop it on herself because she thought it was her spear 'u'

S/o if you got the random references to Elsword in this chapter, and book in general~

If you help me make a better title for this chappy I'll gib you candy, a dedication in this chappy, and uhm. Maybe something from my Ara's ib hoard 'v' Or a discount. Who knows? BUT YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL WITH JUST CANDEH CUZ CANDEH IS AMAZING. I did not have too much sugar. Two slices of cake totally does not make me hyper.

05/07/17 I stg was I high when I wrote this

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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