Chapter 15-Helpless Hemali...

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Victorious, Kitsune smiled and skipped off until she realized... "Hemali. Where is he?" She panicked.

Eun yawned. I could tell you, you know. Waving a paw in the air theatrically, Eun continued, Goddess powers and all.

"Yeah, yeah. But even your  powers have a limit. What's the price this time?" Kitsune asked.

First, you never did answer my question.

"What question?"

About what you called me earlier. And why were you laughing so hard when I told you to respect your elders? You should, you know.

"To your first question, well I called you vixen, which means female fox. I thought, with your, you know," Kitsune made air quotes at this, "'goddess powers'."

Do not mock me young one.

"It's funny, I said almost the same thing to Hemali only a few moments ago." Kitsune chuckled, "But for your second question, be patient." She giggled, "I'm going to laugh so hard explaining this to you!"

Continue. The faster you start, the faster you'll finish, no?

"True. Anyway, it's because you are usually," at this, Kitsune laughed, "Ummm.... sorry. It's just that you usually act like..." More giggles came from Silver. "Like, like arghhhh why can't I speak properly?!?!?" Finally calming down enough to speak, she continued, "It's because you're usually the one acting like a child, Eun."

Seriously Kitsune? That was it, and you laughed for quite literally hours on end? Oh geez. This deal isn't even worth it on my side, Eun sighed.

"But a deal-"Tentai protested.

Is a deal. I know. I taught you that, remember?

"You taught me many things. How to annoy people being one of the most common topics. It's hard to remember everything you told me. Or at least, it's hard to remember everything all the time. But now that you mention it, I remember. So where's Hemali?"

Extending a claw towards a random area surrounded by bushes, Eun grinned in a foxish way. Right there, young one. Did you seriously not spot him? Tut. Tut. Tut.

But Kitsune wasn't listening anymore. She had rushed towards the bush. "Hemali?" Tentai called out. No response. After about half an hour of calling out Hemali's name with no response, Silver screeched, "HEMALI I SWEAR TO KAMI IF YOU DON'T COME OUT THIS INSTANT I'M GOING TO WHACK EVERY SINGLE FREAKING BUSH IN THE AREA!"

A rustling sound came from the bush right in front of Kitsune. Seriously?  Tentai wondered. He was right in front of me? But it wasn't Hemali who came out of the bush. A squirrel, terrified of Silver's loud voice, fled as far away as it could from the annoyed silver-featured girl. It didn't help that said girl was also clenching a nasty looking spear very tightly. After another five minutes, with Kitsune whacking about a hundred bushes, Hemali stepped out silently behind her.

He exclaimed, "Boo!"

"EEK GHOST!!!!!!" Kitsune whirled around and whacked Hemali on the head-again.

"Ouch!" Hemali wailed, clutching his head. "Seriously Silver? Again? Like whyyyyyyyyy????" A red bump slowly started emerging from Hemali's head.

Sweatdropping, Kitsune apologized, "Um... sorry? But you should know better than to scare me like that! You know what happened to my-" She stopped.

"Actually, I don't know..."

"I thought I told you?"

"Nope. And I told you about my dad."

"My grandparents are dead. They died in the fire my brother, err Ran taking my brother's form, created."

"Oh," Hemali murmured, not knowing what to say.

"Oh????  Two of the only people in the world who loved me died to my own brother, your former best friend, and all you can say is oh?" Tentai snarled.

"I-I-I....I just didn't know what to say," Hemali replied dejectedly, hanging his head.

Silver sighed, "Stupid grumpiness. Sorry Hemali, I understand. You've probably never attended a funeral, have you? Neither have I, to be honest."

"Y-yeah....Hey, why don't you ask Eun to help you with that?"

"AOSIDHAODHAOIDHOASD. I FORGOT. OMFG...How does Eun do that?!?!?!"

"Um.... do what?" Hemali Tetsu scratched his head awkwardly.

"Keep making me forget things!" Kitsune wailed, clawing at her hair.

Tetsu didn't know what else to do: he rubbed Kitsune's hair, making the situation even more awkward, but at least he seemed to calm her down: she was purring. Then he stole he spear-and fled.

"HEMALI TETSU YOU COME BACK RIGHT HERE WITH MY SPEAR. OR I SWEAR I WILL-" Kitsune screamed. Hemali waited for her to realize. "Oh wait I don't have my weapon. In that case..." She spotted Hemali's weapon. "I'll just take your weapon!" she squealed gleefully.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO NOT MY PRECIOUS CANNON PLEASE NO KITSUNE!" Hemali wailed. Kitsune picked it up. Tetsu went berserk-actually, into berserk mode.

With a huge irk mark pulsing on his face, Hemali chased after poor Kitsune.


SURPRISE! I FINALLY UPDATED 8D Now on to Chapter 16 *^ *

Please don't be mad for the wait. Oh wait. You have every right to be mad. I intended to post this early (in actuality I finished this in only a few weeks or so after chapter 14 but forgot to work on Chapter 16 so never posted. If you're reading this now, know that I'm probably working on Chapter 17). I posted the latest chapter as soon as I finished so I had to start this one from scratch. And I made the other one extra long too. T^T Besides, school happens. :(  Oh Kami though... "She had rushed towards the bush." That was amusing to write, it looks kinda funny. But I hope you liked this chapter~

Oh and I posted a picture of Hemali above. I still think PikaChung looks like a PikaGirl.... om o Just me? Btw Hemali is based off of Chung if you don't remember. As of this chapter, he's still base, and so is Kitsune, because neither have done their job change quests 8D I was going to use this picture: but then I realized it wasn't base Chung. Go me. q~q I guess I'll just have to use it in another chapter?

Have a good day people o/

^Somehow I wrote this like a year ago and never posted it. This update has been due for a loooooong time. As some of you may or may not know I got into Honors English and my teacher mailed me homework (fun right). Oh and Oath of Ruin's being removed from Elsword NA in a few months, so I've been killing myself trying to get that an to increase my ib hoard. If you're interested in Ara/Aisha/Chung/Elesis/Eve ibs, PM me which char you want a list for, and I'll tell you what I have --though I may not sell all of them. It's mostly Ara stuff because well duh I main Ara.

The Cookie of FortuneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora