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It felt good to get away from Alex for a little while, just being able to focus on hanging out with Tobs and Ash. The two of them knew what happened from their girlfriends, who got the okay from Alex to tell them.

I was thankful neither of them had brought it up so far, but I knew they probably would at some point. Frankly, I wasn't excited to talking about it, but I also felt like maybe I should.

"Do you guys ever think Alex will stop ignoring me?" I asked when we took a break at a local coffee shop.

Ash took a breath and shrugged. "Honestly you never really know with Alex. I think that she cares about you too much to let this ruin your guy's relationship, but only time will tell."

"Look, we've known Alex for a long time, and she has a tendency to run away when things become too much for her. But, she also knows that at the end of the day, she has to come back and confront it. My guess is she's probably working out her feelings as we speak, most likely talking to the girls." Tobin said, toying with her skateboard.

"I hope so. I just don't get why she did it. Like does she like me, or does she not?" 

Tobin and Ash exchanged a smirk, which made me narrow my eyes at them. "That's for her to know and you to find out." Ash told me. I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"How helpful." 

The goalkeeper and the forward both grinned at me. "You guys want to get some drinks? I don't think the owners appreciate us stealing a table and not buying anything." Tobin asked, standing up.

Ash and I nodded and followed her inside the shop. As we walked to the line, a lot of people were staring at us, and it made me kind of uncomfortable. "Why are these people staring at us?" I whispered to Tobin, who immediately laughed.

"Dude, did you forget you're a soccer star?" Ash busted out laughing too. 

"Oh shit yeah." I chuckled, often finding myself forgetting about the platform this team has given me. 

"What can I get you guys?" Our attention was turned to the barista at the counter when we realized it was our turn. I smiled at her and nodded at my friends to go first. I had to admit, this girl was pretty cute. She had warm brown eyes and a big smile. Her dark brown hair fell around her shoulders in gentle waves.

"And you?" She asked me, making me snap out of my daze. 

"Uh I'll just get a grande iced latte please, thanks." The girl nodded, her lips forming a small smirk.

"Can I have a name for the order?"


"Alright your order will be ready soon." 

I flashed her my million dollar smile and walked over to my friends, who were waiting for their own drinks.

"Damn bro you're a player." Ash laughed, punching my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. 

"It's called being nice."

"Mmm that seemed a little friendlier than nice." Tobin said.

"I wonder what your wife would say if she saw you flirting with another woman." Both the goalie and the forward exploded with laughter.

"Oh my god you dumb ass she's not my wife." I playfully scolded. 

"Hey, don't cuss, there are kids in here." Tobin said, glaring at me.

"Okay Karen." Ashlyn joked.

"You guys are embarrassing." I told them, pulling out my phone. I checked my notifications to see that I had a text from Kelley.

Kelley: Alex is probably going to talk to you today, most likely after dinner. Be prepared. Listen to her please. We all want this nightmare to end.

Y/N: Fine.

We got our drinks and left the shop, opting to slow-skate our way back to the hotel while we drank them. On the way back, I told my two friends about the text from Kells.

"I'm telling you man, she's about to confess her love!" Ash exclaimed, throwing away her empty cup.

"Okay, calm down." I snorted, throwing my cup away after her. 

"I think Ash is right." Tobin shrugged.

We got back to the hotel around 5:30, half an hour before dinner. I went straight to my room, which was empty, and hopped in the shower. I figured Kelley was probably still with Alex and the rest of the girls.

After my shower I towel-dried my hair then pulled on a Nike sports bra, Calvin Klien boxers, some grey sweats, and a simple white tank top.

I slipped on my slides and grabbed my room key and phone, heading down to eat. I ate at the coaches table as I had done the past few days because of what had happened. I felt a little better; more energetic and happy knowing that Alex would finally talk to me tonight.

Alex POV

As we ate our dinner, I couldn't help but look over at Y/n, who was eating with Jill and the other coaches. Since coming to terms with the fact that I have feelings for her, I've allowed myself the privilege of freely admitting that holy fuck, she is hot.

Like, extremely hot.

From her short black hair to her piercing blue eyes, down to her perfectly tanned skin, tattoos, and a body I constantly find myself drooling over. Not to mention her perfect smile, adorable dimples, and the way that she always makes me laugh. 

How did I not see it sooner. I probably could have saved myself a whole lot of time and pain had I not been in denial. I had texted Servando two days ago with only two words. 'We're done'. I'm just happy I had the good sense not to move in with him during our relationship. 

But now that I'm single, it's like a whole new world of opportunity has opened up for me. And to be truthful, I think that from the moment Y/n first winked at me I started to catch feelings. I had quickly been losing interest in Servando when the goalie and I began to get closer, and I think a part of me knew he was cheating, and I allowed myself to detach from him and our relationship in order to move on to bigger and better things. I think I stopped loving him a while ago, but was too afraid to admit it to myself.

"You've been staring at her for like 10 minutes dude. It's getting a little creepy." Kelley snickered. I glared at the defender. 

"I don't blame her. Y/ns arms are to die for." Allie said, sipping her water. 

"Honestly. Those tattoos." Kelley said.

"And her veins." Sonnett agreed.

"And how her muscles ripple every time her arm moves." Pinoe commented. 

"Can you guys stop drooling over her!" I huffed.

"Ooh someone is jealous." Crystal teased, making shoot a glare at her. 

"I am not jealous. I'm just..." I defended, trying to come up with a word.

"Jealous?" Christen offered. 

"Ugh never mind." I said defeated.

"So are you ready to talk to her?" Allie asked quietly. I nodded nervously, still feeling really scared about how she'd react.

"Don't worry. I'm sure she'll forgive you." Kelley tried to reassure me, but I wasn't convinced. 

"I'll go hang in Pinoe's room so you guys can chat. Just don't fuck on my bed please." Half of our table heard her and turned, disgusted, towards Kelley, who just shrugged nonchalantly. 

"We are not going to have sex." I rolled my eyes at the outrageous thought, even though a part of me totally wanted to. 

We spent the rest of dinner joking around, and I could tell my teammates were trying to distract me about talking to Y/n later, which I appreciated.

After Jill finished her nightly announcement, everyone headed up to their rooms to hang out. We had a good two hours before curfew, so I'd have time to do this.

I left my phone in my room but made sure I had my room key, took a deep breath, and walked down the hallway towards Y/n's room.

Here we go.

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