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Kelley had to let me into our room because I had left my keys and phone in there before my walk. The whole time I showered and changed, my time with Alex kept replaying in my head.

That was the first time she was nice to me. And I to her. And I wanted more. More moments like that. A part of me hoped that this experience would improve our relationship, but the other part of me didn't want our sarcastic interactions to end. They were so fun.

Plus, if we formed a close friendship, it would only hurt me more in the end. She can never like me back.

When I emerged from my room, changed into some basketball shorts and a hoodie with my slides, Alex was just coming out of her own, her hair damp, and her face free of any makeup. She looked as beautiful as always.

When we locked eyes we both busted out laughing. "That was so fun." She said while we walked to the elevator. 

"Yeah, it really was. But now we're in deep shit."

"Eh, what's the worst they could do?"

I shrugged. "Bench us?"

Alex snorted. "I doubt they'd do that. Tobs, Alyssa, Pinoe, and Kells are still injured."

"I guess."

We were both nervous as we entered the conference room. The rest of the team and the coaches were already there, waiting for us. Alex and I sat down.

"Explain, now." Jill said, her hands on her hips as she paced. She seemed pretty damn worried. I don't even know why though. It's not like we're kids.

Alex and I both started to speak at the same time. "One of you!" Jill snapped. Alex and I exchanged glances, and her eyes said 'I got this'. I nodded and she began to explain how I took a walk, and she was worried about me after the loss, and she found me at the park. She didn't give any details away about our talk, which I appreciated, and then explained how we lost track of time playing soccer, looking at the stars, and then how we got soaked from the sprinklers.

"Is this true?" Jill asked me. I nodded. "Look, I'm more worried than angry. It's 12 am, and neither of you were answering your phones. We walked around to look for you, but couldn't find you guys. If you're going to leave, you need to have your phones on you, and you need to let someone know. We have our next game in two days. We cannot afford to have either of you go missing."

I hung my head in shame, feeling badly for causing the staff and team stress. "We know. We're sorry." Alex said.

Jill's expression softened. "It's alright, just be more aware next time. Now I think you should all head to bed. We have a lot to talk about tomorrow in terms of our next friendly. Also, we are leaving tomorrow night at 9pm to fly to Spain, where our next match is. Everyone needs to be ready and on their A game for this. Dismissed."

I got up from my chair to follow the rest of the team out, when Jill called me back. "Y/n, can I speak to you for a second?"

"Oooh!" My teammates teased, and I playfully glared at them before nodding at Jill. Once everyone had left, leaving just Jill and I in the room, my coach spoke.

"I know you were upset about the loss today, but I want you to know that I am extremely proud of you. You played well, made some good saves, did the best you could. No one's first match is perfect."

"Thank you coach." She smiled at me. "Have you and Alex worked out your differences yet? Don't think I'm not aware of the feud between the two of you. I have eyes and ears everywhere." She joked, and I snickered.

"I think so. We actually had like a real conversation today. With less insults." 

Jill chuckled and patted my back. "That's good. Don't worry Y/n, I think everything will fall into place soon. It's just a matter of more training, more practice, and more connection. I'll admit, I don't think the team was ready for the game today, but this is how you improve. I think this may be what we needed to bounce back even harder."

I nodded and smiled. "Go to bed kid, it's late, and your Mom won't be happy to know about you staying up so late."

I rolled my eyes and the woman. "Oh please, I'm 22, she needs to stop babying me."

Jill snorted. "Now you and I both know that won't ever happen. To her, you're still her little one."

"Ugh. Great." I groaned, walking to the door. 

"Good night Kid." Jill called after me. 

I turned, just before leaving, and smiled. "Good night Coach."

When I entered my room, Kelley was laying on her bed, watching videos on her phone. "Hey Newbie, did she whip your ass?" Kelley asked smirking. 

I chuckled and shook my head. "Surprisingly, she did not."

"Hmm....if you ask me, this is highly suspicious!" Kelley said, imitating the little chef from Ratatouille.

I laughed, sliding off my shoes and taking off my hoodie, leaving me in my sports bra and shorts. I swan dived into my bed after turning the lights off and grabbed my phone from the night stand.

I texted my Mom, telling her that I'd call her tomorrow. 

I feel like some people think that my Mom is super controlling and expects constant updates, but that's not her at all. I just love talking to her. If I didn't I wouldn't call her everyday.

I texted my Aunt the same thing before plugging my phone in.

"Good night Karen from Legal." I said to Kelley, making her giggle. "Night rookie."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost instantly, dreaming of a certain blue eyed, brunette forward.

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