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I didn't really have a plan as to where I was going when I stormed out of the conference room earlier, but it didn't matter much. I just needed to get away.

After walking for what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes, I ended up back at the small café we had eaten lunch at, just a few hours ago.

As I had been wandering the streets of Lyon, my phone buzzed with a text from Alex.

Lex: Hey Y/n, Jill want's everyone back at 5. I know you're upset, so take your time. Cool off, but please come back. I just want to make sure you're okay. Love you.

I sighed guiltily, reading her message. I felt so horrible for lying to Alex and the rest of the team for the last 7 months. No doubt they all hated me. 

As much as I didn't want to, I knew I'd have to go back soon. It was already 4:30, which meant I was due at the hotel in 30 minutes. 

Looking back at my phone screen, I decided it would be better to respond to Alex instead of ignoring her, possibly making her worried.

Y/n: Thanks Lex. I'll be back in a bit. Promise I'll explain everything later. I'm sorry. I love you too.

I sent it before I allowed myself to have second thoughts then slipped the device back into my pocket, resting my forearms on the warm metal railing that kept people from falling into the canal.

There seemed to be no one else around, which was strange considering it was starting to get close to dinner time, and because it was still so light out. The weather was nice; it had certainly cooled off from it's scorching temperatures earlier, but the air was still warm.

I stood there for a few minutes, staring at nothing in particular, trying to calm myself down.

I heard the unmistakable sound of shoes on cobble stone, altering me that someone was approaching. I assumed maybe it was just a random local, or a tourist, but nearly jumped out of my skin when the person spoke.


I turned, coming face to face with none other than Kelley O'Hara, the love of my mother's life.

Her cheeks were stained with tears tracks, face red with anger, eyes full of hurt.

It shattered my heart to see one of my closest friends in so much pain because of me, and I only hoped Kelley wouldn't punch me.

"Kelley..." I started, suddenly finding it hard to speak due to the lump quickly forming in my throat.

The defender stepped forward, taking her own place on the railing, next to me. I took that as somewhat of a good sign and turned around to face the canal again, just as she was.

Neither one of us spoke for some time, not looking at each other either.

I was itching for someone to break the unable silence. I wasn't sure if Kelley felt the tension, but I sure did, and I felt like I was being buried alive by it. 

Finally, I cleared my throat, chancing a look at the shorter woman. "I'm sorry for not telling you. You deserved to know. I can tell how much you loved her."



"Love. I still love her. Even...even after everything."

I didn't think it was possible for me to feel worse, but in that moment, I did.

"I'm not mad at you Y/n. I don't blame you. It's not your fault. You were only doing what Hope asked you to do, no matter how much it hurt you. I admire your respect and loyalty."

I shook my head, quickly wiping away any tears that threatened to fall. 

"It doesn't matter. I knew all of this time. Hearing you talk about her...I should have said something."

Kelley didn't respond, her gaze focused straight ahead of us. I got the sense she was trying to collect her thoughts, or possible just relish in the peace of the moment before having to go back to the hotel. 

I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to say, but I couldn't stop myself from telling her.

"You know she talks about you all the time."

The freckled woman's body noticeable stiffened, and she slowly looked over at me, hazel eyes gleaming with something I couldn't quite read.

"My mom she...even though she cut you off and left...she...she still cares for you. When you guys first got together you were all she talked about. Every time we'd text or call, or when she visited between games...she told me all about you. She's never loved someone as much as she loves you."

Kelley shrugged, biting the inside of her cheek in a clear effort to hold back more tears. "Yeah, well if she cared so much, why'd she leave?"


I was about to respond when my phone buzzed. Jill had texted me.

Jill: Hey kid, hope you and Kelley are okay. Everyone's waiting here, so if the two of you want to make your way back, we can talk about this as a group. As a family. 

"Jill want's us back." I said, looking at my roommate. 

She just nodded, inhaling deeply before exhaling with a long sigh, running her fingers through her long, brown hair.

Y/n: Be there in a few.

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