Chapter 32

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**This will be told in third person omniscient. That means you get a glimpse into everyone's mind** 

*4 Years Later*

                Ellie laid in bed, her head nestled against the bare chest belonging to the boy next to her. Her hands rested gently on his chest, his arms wrapped around her lovingly. Clayton’s head was dipped down so that his lips pressed against her forehead gently.

                In the four years that had passed, neither made any move to get Ellie onto the Girls’ Side. She realized she’d rather stay hated and hidden from the boys than in a world where she never saw Clayton. Neither could bring bare to let the other leave. It would be like losing a liver.

                They simply couldn’t survive without each other.

                It was a love story, come to life. The perfect ending to the worst beginning.

                Ellie stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open. She looked around confused for a moment before her gaze rested on Clayton’s sleeping face. A small smile crossed her lips as she studied the man she loved. Ellie pulled away, slipping easily out of Clayton’s arms.

                He flinched slightly, replacing her body with that of a pillow.

                She held back a giggle as he cuddled with the pillow, walking out of their room quietly. Ellie closed the door, leaning her weight against it.

                Life couldn’t have been better.

                Aside from the fact that she had been confined to this house for four years, Ellie was finding luck to be on her side. After Clayton confessed to his love, their relationship blossomed into an intimate romance. They had been steady for four years with few arguments.

                Clayton had decided to stay with Blasé after weighing the pros and the cons. Blasé was trustworthy and kind, welcoming them to stay with him. He was lonesome and the company was appreciated.

                Ellie found Blasé to be an interesting fellow to talk to. He was full of wisdom, always providing a different view for any topic of discussion. While he wasn’t one to talk of his past, in the four years of knowing him, Ellie had learned the basis of why he was the man he was.

                Blasé had known one other girl in his lifetime, and like Clayton he had fallen in love with her. He said her name was Honey, explaining that she had chosen the name for herself. She, like Ellie, had been frozen in time.

                Blasé had been foolish back then and allowed a few of his closest friends to discover Honey. Unfortunately, his friends’ reactions led to the death of Honey.

                Blasé vowed never to let that happen to another girl.

                He saw the light in girls that most men didn’t see.

                Ellie respected him greatly for that.

                Ellie found Blasé sitting at the kitchen table, his eyes studying the cup placed in front of him. Ellie made her way through the kitchen, fixing herself a breakfast.

                “How did you sleep, Zay?” Ellie asked, referring to Blasé with the nickname she had formed years ago. She didn’t like his full name and preferred shortening it to her preference.

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