Chapter 19

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The sound of voices awoke me the next day.

I could tell they were hushed voices, keeping my eyes closed. I relaxed my body, mimicking my breathing pattern from when  I was asleep so as not to alert them I was awake. The voices sounded hushed, but furious. I could tell one thing right off the bat, though.

They were talking about me.

"We can't keep her forever!" John hissed

"We can keep her a little longer" 

"Why? So that our chances of getting caught increase?" John asked. I could imagine steam shooting from his ears "I was almost found getting this shit for you!"

Something hit the ground followed by clanging. I frowned slightly, wondering what it was.

"I told you I could've gotten it" Clayton muttered

"You were too busy hugging your little leech" John growled.

"Was not! I can't control my actions when I'm asleep!"

John snorted "Yeah right"

"Well we're not just leaving her here"

"Why not?  Its just like her world"

"She lived in a little bit more advanced time than the woods!"

"Well duh, there were animals when she lived here"

Clayton groaned, keeping it quiet "We're going to take her as far as we can over to the Girl's Side. If the time comes when we have to leave her, we will. But only in a desperate emergency"

"If your stupidity keeps me from living the rest of my life, I'll personally melt every limb off starting with the fingers"

In my mind, I imagined Clayton rolling his eyes. "It won't. Calm down, John. We've been friends since we were 4."

John snorted "Whatever man. People change. Apparently you have"

"Dude! Come on! Its not like I'm trying to make a kid with her!" Clayton groaned. There was a thud a few feet away from me. I assumed he had sat on the ground. "She's different, though"

"Well, of course she's different!" John snapped "She's stupider, she's technically hundreds of years old, and not to mention she's a girl"

Clayton sighed "Look man, I've had experience with some of the girls."

"I know. It ruined you for two months"

I resisted a giggle.

"No I mean, they were cold, heartless, evil Leeches" Clayton mumbled, just barely loud enough for my ears. I felt my hair being pushed back, over top my shoulder. I held back a smile, trying to keep pretending to be asleep. "Ellie...She's different. She's afraid all the time, she's quiet"

"That's just because she's on our Side" John interrupted.

"No, man, you don't get it." Clayton sighed "When she actually talks, she's full of questions or she's doing this weird thing with her face."

"What do you mean?" John asked. His voice changed suddenly. It went from bored and annoyed to curious.

"Like, it's like a blush, but..." Clayton trailed off, trying to explain it "I don't know man, I mean just her cheeks get red. And then she'll sometimes bit her lip and look at the ground. And her voice gets all quiet and she stutters alot, but its so....interesting. Man, sometimes I wish she'd stay that way forever. You really have to see it"

John didn't say anything after that. After a few moments of silence, I felt it an appropriate time to "wake up". I gave a small groan, rolling onto my back. I opened my eyes, to both John and Clayton staring at me.

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