Chapter 20

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It was strange, walking with the boys and the dog. No one spoke, the tension thick in the air. Even Luke noticed, the poor dog walking behind John, tail between legs. Clayton stayed behind me, while John led the way.

We were headed to Doc's. Aparently, there we would get some type of device that would make our trip much easier after that. I wasn't sure why we were going anywhere to begin with, but I knew I was the reason why.

Every now and then Clayton would try to start up a conversation, which fell through moments after. I wouldn't respond to anything he said, even if it was directed at me. John gave one worded answers or grunts. Luke, obviously, couldn't talk. He also didn't acknowledge Clayton at all during the entire trip.

We stopped once for lunch, which consisted of another strange meal. I didn't like how this one tasted, and judging by John's face, neither did he. Clayton, on the other hand, absolutely loved it. He ended up eating the rest of my dish.

After that we continued walking until finally, something started to changed. The trees around us started to grow less. Finally, John stopped, putting a hand out for the rest of us to stop also. A faint humming noise sounded up, one like a fridge was running, but louder.

Luke backed up slightly, cowering behind me. John motioned for us to stay back as he moved forward, peeking out behind the last of the trees. He pulled back, nodding to us to follow.

As quietly as we could, we followed John around the last of the trees. In the distance, I could make out a small dome resting on the ground. The land leading up to that dome was dead. Dried dirt stretched as far as the eye could see, well past the dome.

"Alright," John said as we walked towards the dome. "Clayton, you take the girl and the dog and hide. Doc can not see you three"

"Got it" Clayton said

"Girl, you better not make a sound. If you mess this up, and we get caught, I will personally inflict more pain that you've ever felt on you"

I nodded.

"Keep the mutt quiet" John hissed once more "I'm going to distract Doc while you hide. Clayton, once I give the signal, knock him out. You got the cream?"

Clayton nodded, pulling out a tub from the leather bag. A purple-ish blue cream filling the small container. John nodded back at him before saying, "I'm going to go get Doc. Hide"

John took off running. I watched as his figure shrunk as he gained distance. A few moments later, Clayton tugged on my arm. He nodded to the right. I glanced back at John, who had reached the dome.

He was quick.

I followed Clayton, motioning for Luke to join. Together, the three of us ran to find somewhere to hide. I wasn't sure where Clayton planned on hiding, considering there was absolutely no place to hide.

I found out where we were hiding a few minutes later, once we reached the other side of the dome. The dome was glass, the entire way around. Along the bottom was a cement-like, two foot high wall, which must've been the most protection the dome had. Clayton crouched down so that he was hidden by the protection, motioning for me to do the same. Luke was half the size of the wall, not needing to do anything. Nonetheless, he laid down on his belly.

I held back a smile as Clayton peaked over the edge. I followed his lead, raising my head just enough to see. I could see John standing in a doorway, facing us. A man with his back to us stood talking to John. I assumed that was Doc.

John glanced over Doc's shoulder, giving a slight nod to Clayton. To Doc, it would've looked like he was paying attention to the conversation intently. Clayton crouched back down, sneaking around the side of the dome.

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