Chapter 25

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             Somehow, by some strange miracle, I managed to live to see the next day. Death had evaded me for 500 years already, one day didn’t seem all that bad to live through.

               But trapped in a room with no escape with the two guys who held my life in their hands…

                The room was small, three beds crammed in the corners. There was little walking space with only a narrow door leading to what I assumed was the

bathroom. John and Clayton claimed the more comfy looking beds, leaving me with the dingy one.

                I sighed, sitting down. Despite the fact that it looked harder than a rock, it was relatively soft. Clayton leaned back on his, hands behind head. I looked over,

noticing John had mimicked his.

                Little chat happened that night. I kept to myself, falling asleep before either boy.

                And when I awoke, the Lightplane had just arrived.

                “Let’s go, Leech” John snapped, shoving me forward. Clayton sighed, but didn’t do anything. I understood that. He couldn’t go around being nice to me when

he was in a heavily infested boys building.

                “How long until we can fly it?” Clayton asked John as we walked down a familiar hallway. John shrugged.

                “They have to re-boot it and then we go into the chambers for twenty minutes. About a half hour”

                I held back a sigh. I hadn’t the slightest idea of what they were talking about. Nor did I have any urge to ask.

                We entered a large room, one I hadn’t been in yet. The ceiling was at least fifty feet above my head, the opposite side looking close to a quarter mile away.

                It was ridiculous.

                John led us forward to where some chairs were placed around the halfway point across. Our footsteps echoed as we walked, any hope of surprise gone.

                John and Clayton sat down on either side of me, each taking up the armrests. I placed my hands on my lap, focusing on my finger nails. My heart was

beating as fear trickled in. Almost everyone in this entire building was against my presence.

                Neither boy talked, the tension rising. I realized I was relying on their conversation for any hint of whatever was going to happen in thirty minutes.

                I leaned back, drowning in my own thoughts.

                My mind replayed every little detail of the event that happened but two nights ago. I felt goose bumps rise on my skin as I thought about the forced kiss

between John and I. It was definitely something different from Clayton’s.

                Where Clayton’s was gentle and cautious, John’s was… more experimental. That word felt appropriate for that was exactly what it was. He was just

experimenting. He wanted to know what Clayton was talking about.

                I frowned slightly, thinking about it.

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