Chapter 49 ~ "Take me to bed"

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"Alex enough, can you just bring me now?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Sure, as soon as you change." He says raising his eyebrows and I sigh.

"It's just a skirt!" I protest. "I wore a dress the other night!"

"That was to a public restaurant, you can't wear that to just hang out with Nate." He huffs.

"Why not?" I ask. "It's cute, and this is a special date. I can't go over there in a pair of sweats."

"Alexi, enough." Mom says walking past us in the foyer. "Take her to Nate's, please."

"Fine." He mumbles, grabbing his keys. "But I don't-"

"Yes, you don't approve and I appreciate your concern. But this is my date, now come on." I say, pulling him out the door and down to his car. He laughs and pulls away, driving down the road.

"So what makes this date special?" He asks and I sigh.

"I have no idea, but he said he cooked something? Knowing Nate, this is a pretty big deal. He never cooks." I tell him and he laughs.

"Well I'll believe that, he's pretty bad at sealing Varenniki." He laughs and I smile, thinking back on that day. That was so wonderful, mom hadn't done much right by me in a long time. But since I came home she's been again. And she was really being wonderful to Nate.

"Well I'll have to pray." I tease and he nods. 

"He's bringing you home tonight yeah?" He asks and I nod. "What time?"

"I don't know, late." I say and he sighs. "What now?" I whine.

"Nothing just-"

"Be carful?" I ask and he nods. "Alex I haven't seen him much this week and this is some of the only time we get together." I tell him and then I turn to look at him. "If you and Nik could please butt-out of mine and Nate's personal lives I'd appreciate it. I don't ask you or warn you about anything that you do with the girls you see, please extend me the same courtesy."

"Alright, alright." He says and I smile. "I just.....I look out for you."

"I know, and you know I love you." I say. "But you just need to trust me." 

"Okay." He says and pulls up outside of Nate's and I smile, excited to be there. "Call me if you need a ride or anything." I nod and open the door, stepping out and giving him a wave.

"Thanks for the ride, I'll see you tomorrow." I tease and he shakes his head at me, making me laugh.

I quickly run up to Nate's door and knock once before it flies open in front of my face.

"Hey baby." He whispers and I smile, accepting a small kiss.

"Hi." I whisper and he smiles leading me inside. I take off my coat and look around, seeing where his parents were so I could say hello to his mom. "Where are your parents?" I ask and he smiles.

"Weekend getaway." He says with a devious look and I feel my stomach knot up.

"Really?" I ask and he nods. "Seems like your parents go away a lot."

"Well they asked if I minded, it was their wedding anniversary so I said of course not." He says and I laugh walking over to the living room. "I figured I could do something really special for you instead."

"What did you cook?" I ask and he smiles leading me to the dinning room.

"Something you love." He says and I smile as he pulls out my chair. "I just finished it, so I hope it's alright." He whispers, kissing my cheek and pushing my chair back in behind me.

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