Chapter 31 ~ "Stop distracting me"

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This isn't good. I've never had to puke at school before, usually just at home. But I couldn't stop my feet under me I was running so fast. I stop at the first bathroom in the hall and shove open the door. There's two girls standing in front of the mirror gossiping and applying make up and a third in the corner who's vaping. 

I make my way to the wheelchair stall at the end and hold off as long as I can. I didn't want to unload my guts while other people were in here. Unfortunately, I didn't have much of a choice as the nausea starts to really take effect. 

I hear the two girls at the sink leave and that's good enough for me. I pray the toilet isn't too disgusting as I lean over the bowl and throw up. I've barely eaten today so there's not much to give up. I cough and spit as I continue to dry-heave.

"Sash?" I hear someone call and I know it's Nate. I hear what sounds like him checking the bathroom over for other people before coming over to my stall. "Sash?" He says more quietly with a knock on the door and through my coughing I lean over to unlock it. There's tears in my eyes and I'm practically hiccuping. "Aw, Sasha." He says quietly sitting down next to me.

He leans over and flushes the toilet and then wraps his arms around me. "Just breathe." He says and takes one of my hands, placing it on his chest. "Just like this, in and out." I nod and sniffle a bit breathing with him. "Are you alright?" He asks and I nod.

"I'm fine." I say quietly. "Glad I made it to a bathroom."

"Just feel a bit sick?" He asks and I nod. "Alright, well I'm not going anywhere. Take all the time you need." I wrap my arms around him a bit tighter and he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I-I don't know why." I say. "I haven't eaten anything other than toast today."

"You could just be under a lot of stress." He whispers and I nod. "I'm sorry for what Jake said, he's just making things up. I swear I've never said anything and I was careful that no one would find out because.....well I didn't want people to make that assumption. And between you and me, it's not about sex." I nod and take a deep breath.

"No, I know." I say quietly. "Jake just makes me angry."

"I think your brother scared him pretty good." He says and I nod with a small laugh.

"It's a serious benefit of having older brothers." I admit and he nods, kissing my forehead.

"I'm glad you're alright." He says quietly. "I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper. "So much."

For a long time we sit on the floor in the bathroom and oddly enough nobody comes in. Nate just whispers nice things to me that make me feel warm all over and I resist the urge to kiss him, knowing how gross that is after just puking a few short minutes ago.

Eventually I pull myself off the floor and go to the sink in the washroom, first getting a drink of water and then touching up my makes up and popping a piece of gum into my mouth.

"You know you're already don't have to fix up your make up." He says standing behind me and wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Stop distracting me." I tease and he laughs. 

"I'm not even distracting you yet, Sash." He says quietly and my stomach ties into knots. 

"Stop it." I say with a laugh and pull his hands away from my waist. "It's a bathroom, anybody could walk in."

"But I locked the door." He says quietly, grabbing my waist again. "And I put up the cleaning sign so people wouldn't even try to come in." I watch as his hands travel down my waist to the hem of my skirt at my mid-thigh. "You're very pretty." 

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