Chapter 25 ~ "You're my little sister"

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This week has been amazing so far, I got to mend things up with Alex, go out with friends on Wednesday and for the first time in ages I had a group of friends that weren't just figure skaters. I felt normal for the first time and I really loved it.

Micheal and Irene were back from their competition, now joining our little group. They'd told me they'd won at their competition but they really didn't seem very happy with one another. Something was off but I couldn't quite tell what.

Sabrina was doing her best to antagonize me but without her little click following her she wasn't having the same effect she used to. Nobody cared anymore, it was like the bullying stopped when Nate became my friend. This also reinforced that Sabrina really didn't have as much power as she thought she did. Jake was always loyally by her side, the two making it as clear as possible that they were together.

I could tell it really bothered Nate, to see two people you used to be so close to blatantly stabbing you in the heart had to hurt.

Today I had a big decision to make. Was I going to go with Alex to meet Nik's girlfriend? I wasn't sure if it would be a great idea because Nik and I still had issues that needed sorting out. And I know Nik hadn't been serious with somebody in ages, so I didn't want to be the one that messed it up for him.

On the other hand, he was my brother. He was one of the most important people in my life and I wanted to support him in this major part of his life.

"You okay?" Nate asks me running his hands over my back where we lay down in bed. "You seem like you're a million miles away."

Nate was always so observant, he was good at knowing when something was bothering me.

"Yeah, sorry." I say quietly shaking my head. "I'm just trying to make up my mind."

"About what?" He asks turning down the show playing in the background.

"Well when Alex came to visit he told me Nik had a new girlfriend. They've been going out for a while and everything and she wants to meet our family. Nik of course doesn't want that, so he wants her to meet Alex. Alex asked me if I wanted to come, meet her too. But I haven't decided, they're meeting soon and I don't know what to do." I whine putting my face in his chest and he laughs.

"Do you want to go?" He asks and I sigh really trying to think about how I felt.

"Well he's my brother and I know this is really important to him. I know he wants me there and I want to be supportive." I tell him. "But the other part of me knows he wasn't very kind to you or me when he found out about us. I also know we have our own stuff to sort out and I don't want that messing with this for him either." He nods quietly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Well don't let his reaction to me, impact this decision." He tells me cupping the side of my face. "I know we don't stand in a great spot but in the end he'll probably threaten to kill me, but live with it because he loves you." I nod knowing he's probably right. "He'll probably be so excited to see you that he won't want to address it, he'll just want you to meet his girlfriend. Afterwards you guys can always sort out all of that stuff too."

"You're probably right, I'm just overthinking everything." I mumble and he laughs a bit.

"But if you're really not comfortable with it, don't put yourself in that position. You have to do what's right with you and if you really don't want to see him, you don't have to." He reminds me. "But I know he misses you."

"I miss him too." I admit. 

"Then go." He encourages. "If it's a mess, call me and I'll come get you. It's just that easy." 

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