Chapter 11

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(Y/n) walked over to the couch "Ok, I got pillows, covers, snacks... What else am I missin'?"

Cheslock walked over with two sodas "Drinks, duh" The girl laughed and sat down, the male sitting next to her with his arm on the couch behind her. A green-yellow eyed red head glared at the sight as he poked his head out the bush. "Ugh, what is this? Amateur hour?" A smack was made on his head "We're only here to watch her behavior"

Undertaker giggled as he popped up next to William "That's what you think" A lone spider crawled into the large house, sitting on the wall while a certain crow watched from above in one of the trees.


(Y/n) shook slightly. 'I feel like I'm being watched..' Cheslock looked down at her "You cold?" The girl shrugged "Yeah, a little" The girl inched closer and layed back as he draped his arm on her shoulder.

As Cheslock went to put a cover over them, his eyes caught sight of a spider on his hand, crawling up his arm. He yelped and threw his arm back. (Y/n) jumped and looked around "What? What!?" Cheslock pointed down to the floor "SPIDER!"

Grell snickered at the screaming. "So much for a knight in shining arm--AHHHHH!" The three Reapers looked back out the window to see (Y/n) throwing a vase at the arachnid as it crawled off.

To think, this is the same girl they saw kill for a living...

And here she is,

Scared of a spider


The doorbell rang at the front door of the Midford household.

Edward went over and opened it. However, his face fell at the sight of the Phantomhive boy. Edward crossed his arms "Why're you here?"

Ciel didnt even say anything before he was engulfed into a hug "Ciel! You came! I haven't seen you in so long, we should celebrate!" Ciel didnt hug back.

The two blondes lift a brow at this. Elizabeth stayed in her position "Ciel?" The blunette lightly grasped her forearms, making her detangle herself from him, and looked into her eyes. Elizabeth was worried, what happened to him?


She smiled at him

"I'm breaking up with you"

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