Chapter 10

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Alois poked Ciel's temple.

Ciel ignored him.

Alois poked him again.

Ciel ignored him.

Alois went to poke him again but his hand was grabbed "Ow! Ciel!" Ciel rolled his eyes "What do you want, Trancy" Alois giggled "Do you have feelings towards Alex?"

Ciel's cheeks turned pink and he turned his head. He 'tch'd' and sat his chin on his palm "Why would you need to know that?" Alois cupped his chin as well "I was wondering. If you like Alex, why did you stop Cheslock from confessing to (Y/n)?"

Ciel blinked in surprise and then it shifted to confusion. Why was he just noticing this?

Alois smirked "And if you like them so much, what about Elizabeth?"

Ciel's fucked

Let's all be honest


(Y/n) glared at the Reapers and Demons "You idiots broke into my house!"

These dumbasses forgot that she owned camera's. Her siblings had already left, last night actually. After the killing, they had to go and return back to their own lives.

Grell laughed nervously "Haha...Um, you aren't going to kill us, right?" (Y/n) chuckled "I'm not gonna kill y'all. Why would I kill some of my favorite characters?"

The girl walked to her kitchen and picked up her cookie container, eating some. She walked over to Undertaker "You want some?" Undertaker gladly took one and nibbled on it while Sebastian tilted his head "You're not angry?" She threw the watch her brother found the other day at Sebastian.

(Y/n) shook her "Nah. I knew you would get curious soon. Good thing that you found out now than later, I guess" She walked to her door and opened it, glaring at them "Now get your asses out my house. Take that shit with you" She pointed to the watch Sebastian held.

She crossed her arms "Cheslock's coming over soon" (Y/n) smiled, a face they barely ever see "We're gonna watch Marvel movies together~"

They didnt know why...

But they didnt like the sound of her plans

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