Chapter 17 - The Mayhem

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1 hour earlier-

Vasantsena, the Empress dowager of Gurjar- Pratihaar was getting ready in her chamber to attend the wedding. She didn't need to attend the baarat(Groom's procession) but would attend the ceremony later. It was the wedding of her darling grandson after all. It was known that Vasantsena doted on her grandson.

"Your Majesty! I have got some rose water which you requested."

She heard a voice outside her chamber.

Her close confidant and Lady in waiting replied " Give it to me. You can leave!"

Vasantsena ignored the conversation. She didnt indulge in mundane conversations with lowly servents.

The maid stayed and said, " There is another thing which I need to discuss with the empress."

"You can't talk to the empress directly! Whatever it is you can tell them" her lady in waiting replied.

"Please it's really important just let me meet her. It's concerning Prince Vikram."

Vasantsena immediately took a note, and called out " Send her in."

Vasantsena stared at Indu who was dressed in a rather provocative blouse and a lehenga.

" What's wrong with the maids here! They dress like whores!" She thought.

"Tell me girl what do you want to share?"

"There is something you should know. Princess Chitrangda was abducted about 2 months ago. The king spread a rumour that she was visiting her grandmother in Malwa. Then the princess returned suddenly after a few weeks."

"So Kiritveer was able to save his daughter. That is impressive so how does this concern, Prince Vikram ?"

"Because of this."

She gave the parchment to the empress.

Vasantsena read the letter and her brows furrowed.

"She would be returned after a due course of time? What does this mean ?"Vasantsena thought?

"Please forgive me Rajmata but I believe the princess went away with her paramour, the king and his family is hiding this fact from you," Indu explained.

Vasantsena stared at Indu " Why are you doing this ?"

Indu looked up puzzled.

"Why are you betraying your king? I am sure you must have gone through a lot of trouble and danger to get this," Vasantsena waved the parchment at Indu.

Indu bit her lips and said " Because I love Prince Vikram. I can't see him being cheated."

Vasantsena laughed "What response did you expect from me? You are alow-status maid. How could you even think about the Prince! Did you imagine I would accept you as a daughter-in-law just because you declared your love? Vikram is the Crown Prince all women of this kingdom desire him."

"I don't expect anything like that Raj Mata. I am aware of my status and I have no intention of changing that. I just want to see the Prince happy. I just wanted to help." She forced a teardrop in her eyes.

"Thanks for listening to me Rajmata."

Indu faked her most sorrowful face and turned to leave.

"Wait !" Vasantsena stopped her.

"A woman in love is a very powerful ally for her man. From now on you are under my protection."

Indu smiled.

"Now about this wedding. Kirtiveer needs to answer a few things." Vasantsena said, with a determined look. She turned towards her lady in waiting.

"Has the Baarat left already?"

"Yes, your Majesty, but they would not start the ceremony until you arrive." The lady replied.

"Let's hurry up then."


Present -

Kirtiveer asked, "What's wrong, what happened ?"Feigning ignorance.

"Aren't you hiding something Kirtiveer ?" Vasantsena asked.

Kirtiveer turned pale, Kalavati looked like she was about to faint.

Vasantsena continued "I agreed for this marriage due to your wish Vallabdev otherwise their status is not worthy enough to be part of our royal family. I can get princesses from many mighty kingdoms for my Vikram, why should I settle for a princess of a vassal state? but I agreed because of you. The respect you had for your friend and this is what I got in return?"

She thrust the letter in Vallabdev's hands "read it !"

The news had spread like wildfire throughout the palace. The commotion reached Chitrangda when a maid arrived panting "Your Highness! The wedding... Oh! there's a problem. The king......"

Chitra asked, "What happened to father ?"

"Your highness, the king and Maharaj are arguing. Rajmata is very angry... I couldn't understand much but something is wrong."

Chitra didn't hear further she ran toward the main hall where the wedding was supposed to happen.

"Princess! No! Wait" Poonam and few other ladies ran after she tried to stop her but Chitrangda knew what had happened. She wanted the wedding to be called off but not this way.

After that whatever happened was just a blur of colours and noise for Kirtiveer. He heard people accusing him, explanations, pleadings...

Vallabhdev who was the only logical person present there said "Why didn't you tell me the truth earlier? I would have sent my army to rescue the princess."

Kirtiveer pleaded "We were scared. Then these letters started to arrive. I tried my best to find her. Fortunately, she was released before the wedding. My daughter is pure. She was returned unscathed so we thought why to make it an issue."

Vasantsena said "So, you mean your daughter was kidnapped, treated like a guest and then returned honourably, now who would believe a story like that. Are you sure she was kidnapped, and not run away with someone, perhaps a paramour ?" She smirked. She had never approved of Chitra, she was too brash and independent for a noble lady.

"Enough !" A booming voice interrupted the mayhem. All chatterings stopped and they turned to face the tall and majestic young man facing them.

"Sorry to barge in unannounced your Majesties, " Shivaditya said, "But I can't tolerate baseless allegations against princess Chitrangada." He said quietly, but his voice held a steely warning.

"May I know your introduction ?" Asked Vallabdev.

Kirtiveer tensed.

"His Royal Highness prince Shivaditya crown prince of Chalukyas" Jayaraj announced, resulting in gasps of surprise, and murmurs through the crowd of spectators.

Chitrangda who has just arrived stared at Shiv, she was too stunned to react.

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