Chapter 14 - Defying fate

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Maharaj Bhojraj was going through the latest letter sent by Shivaditya, in his chambers. He smiled, The Prince was beyond his expectations.

"The crown prince wants to see you, your Majesty!" His guard proclaimed.

"The Prince is back? Show him in," Bhojraj replied.

Shivaditya arrived inside, a while later, still dressed in his travel clothes. He looked exhausted.

"Welcome back son. Perhaps you should have rested before making your report."

"Thanks, father but I have to discuss something urgently. I can't wait."

"Sure tell me, son," Bhojraj said, putting away the paper he was reading.

"There is a rebellion brewing in the north. The threat is not external. It's being aided by someone from the court."

"Very well I guessed that much. And who is behind ?" Bhojraj asked.

Shivaditya hesitated " You might not like the answer Father".

"Just tell me, son. At this age, I have seen almost everything."

"It's your brother, uncle Shubhraj."

The king stared at him for sometime expressionless contemplating his next course of action. This was treason.

"Do you have proof ?"

"Yes father," Shivaditya replied.

"Tell me everything".

"I was to travel incognito, this was known to only 3 people. You, The Chief advisor and Uncle Shubhraj. There were 2 assassination attempts on me in Dandak forests so I could conclude either The Chief advisor or Uncle was involved. I was able to interrogate one of the moles, and based on his statement I took one of the feudal lords in custody. He is ready to testify in exchange for his life."

Shivaditya paused.

"So you were not just romping with a woman. You were investigating" Bhojraj smiled.

Shivaditya looked at his father, shocked.

Bhojraj laughed " I keep an eye on you as well son. Its fine, young blood needs to explore and have a good time".

"About that...I have another request Father" Shivaditya said.

"Sure, ask for anything son."

"I want you to send a formal marriage proposal to Navsarika."

Bhojraj stared at him "Navsarika? This seems interesting. Please explain".

" The girl I was with, is princess Chitrangada, the crown princess of Navsarika. And, I came upon her accidentally.

Maharaj Bhojraj looked amused as Shivaditya narrated the flow of events as it happened.

"Interesting!" Bhojraj commented, amused.

"I must say you have achieved something which none of our previous ancestors did. Capture enemy's woman from right under their nose" he chuckled.

"It was fate I guess. I happened to be around when she was being abducted. I believe those mercenaries were waiting for me but got distracted by the Princess. She saved my life."

"And you saved her honour," Bhojraj said.

He got up and walked towards the window which opened towards the garden. Beyond the Palace, walls spread the city of Badami.

"Navsarika would be a very important ally it's true but what makes you think Raja Kirtiveer will agree ?"

"He will if the wedding gets called off !" Shivaditya said.

"What makes you think it will get called off ?"

"After I reveal the circumstances and from what I know about the Empress Dowager of Gurjar-Pratihar it's likely to get called off," Shivaditya said.

"But it's also possible that it will not get called off what will you do in that case? Will you start a war over a woman ?"

Shivaditya was thoughtful for a moment "A Royal woman has the right to choose her husband. I am simply protecting what is mine."

"You mean the Princess has chosen you ?"

Shivaditya nodded.

Bhojraj looked pleased.

"You know she is Putrika? Whoever wins her hand will get the kingdom of Navsarika." Raja Bhojraj said.

"I was not aware of this father. I just did what I think is right" Shivaditya replied, he wouldn't have cared, even if Chitrangada was a poor peasant.

Bhojraj laughed, "take the imperial army and get her. It would bring dishonour to the great Chalukyas if you failed to claim her".

Shivaditya smiled "I don't want war father but if it comes to that I won't back out. But first, we must arrest the traitor."

Bhojraj's smile vanished "I will take care of that. You prepare to leave for Navsarika."

Shivaditya bowed and left.

Bhojraj was feeling weak. He knew fate had been unfair to Shubhraj, he was the older brother but born to a concubine he didn't have the right to the throne. Hence, his resentment was natural. But treachery was something unforgivable. With a heavy heart, Bhojraj called in his Chief Advisor.


Royal weddings are not a one-day affair. They start weeks before with several ceremonies spread over days. It's like one grand party for the entire kingdom. Navsarika was being prepared for the Royal wedding.

There were piles of clothes, jewellery, perfumes, and cosmetics in Chitrangda's chamber. She was lying on her bed ignoring all the hustle and bustle happening around her.

" I want everyone out" Kalavati announced as she entered her chamber.

Chitra looked at her mother and sat up. Kalavati sat down near her and gently patted her head "how are you Chitra ?"

Chitra just sat up and looked at her mother morosely.

"I am your mother Chitra, tell me what happened ?"

"Nothing mother, I am fine. Those people didn't force me for anything. I have already confirmed it. How many times do you want me to repeat the same story."

Kalavati looked at her suspiciously "I trust you Chitrangda but you are going to be married. You haven't been yourself ever since you have returned. The palace staff would notice these things and there would be gossip. The guests will start arriving in a few days. You can't be like this."

"What do you want me to do mother ?" Chitra asked.

"Act normal, don't let Vikram ever know what happened to you. Men don't forgive these things."

"But mother I haven't done anything wrong. My abduction was not my fault. This whole charade, it's getting too much to bear. Why can't we just tell Maharaj everything, and finish this charade?" Chitra snapped.

"It might affect your wedding Chitrangda. What if they break the wedding.

"So what mother! why should I get married to someone who can't accept me for who I am ?"

"Things don't work like that Chitra, your father had given his word to the Maharaj. You have been engaged to Prince Vikram since the day you were born. If this alliance breaks then Navsarika will be doomed. Who will marry you ?"

"Maybe someone who would love me for what I am without judging ?" Chitra replied.

"Such men don't exist Chitra. Whoever gave you such ideas ?"

"Then I will stay unmarried, and rule Navsarika," Chitra replied stubbornly. This was better than the prospect of staying in an unhappy marriage.

Kalavati hugged her "you are fated to be with Vikram. Forget whatever happened and accept your fate".

Chitra didn't reply but her tears flowed freely.

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