Chapter Thirty Six

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A week has passed since I found out about everything, seven days since I last seen Arrow. My heart is still just as broken as before and the pain hasn't numbed yet, if anything, the pain has gotten worse.

I miss Arrow, I miss cuddling with him. I miss everything about our relationship, about him. I miss everything, he's the only guy to ever treat me good and now it was all a lie.

I missed two of the graduation practices this week so that I wouldn't have to see him there, I couldn't see him yet. I didn't want to hear the school gossip about us if I showed up, Everyone knew what happened all because of Mercy. She had to open her big mouth and tell everyone what happened just to make a fool out of me.

I didn't want to go to the graduation practice tomorrow morning but I know I had to, graduation was tomorrow afternoon...As much as I hated my parents, I hoped they'd show up...I know Mary will be there, she's the one person I'd chose to come if I only had one graduation ticket.

I was going to see Arrow for the first time in a week tomorrow, I wasn't ready to see his face. If I didn't still love him, everything would be easier, a lot easier.

The next morning was the first time I had put on makeup in a week, the first time I washed my hair in a week, the first time I didn't cry in the shower for an hour.

Today, I curled my hair and did light makeup. It felt good to put makeup on, it made m feel a little normal.

I slipped on a black dress and grabbed my cap and gown before slipping on some heels and going downstairs.

"Oh, Honey! You look so beautiful." Mary smiled at me before bringing me into a hug.

I gave her a small smile before I thanked her.

"You have no idea how proud I am of you, I can't wait to see you walk across that stage."

"I love you, Mary." I told her. "I'll see you later." I grabbed my car keys and left.

When I got to the graduation hall Siara and Kenzie rushed over to me and brought me into a hug.

I didn't say much to them, I really just wanted to get everything over with. I was planning on going to the beach house as soon as this was over with, I was going to leave my phone at home and just have a couple weeks alone at the beach. It's what I needed.

When I looked up after I heard one of the teachers ask us to split up based on our last names, I seen Arrow across the room.

He looked broken too...

Seeing him was hard, I hated him, I hated myself for falling for him.

When graduation practice was done, I bolted out to my car and left right away. I wasn't in the right mind set to have him come beg me to listen to him.

At some point maybe I'll be ready to listen to him, maybe. But today wasn't going to be that day.

I got an iced coffee from Starbucks before parking somewhere for a couple hours. Being alone felt right, I loved my friends so much and everything they've done for me but I needed space. I needed space to think.

I dreaded the drive back to the graduation hall, I didn't want to be there, I didn't want to sit there for a couple hours or even walk across the stage.

None of this mattered to me like it was supposed to..

When I got to the graduation hall, students were already getting into line ups to go into the hall.

I got into the line up I was supposed to be in just as the music started to play.

When I sat down, Arrow was just a couple rows in front of me. Arrow looked back and our eyes met, my eyes soon became watery before I looked down at my lap.

I didn't pay attention until I heard Arrow's name be called. My eyes followed him as he walked across the stage and received his diploma. He gave a smile as pictures were taken.

Even from the stage and my seat, our eyes met.

It was soon my rows turn to go up, I stood there and took a breath before my name was called and I walked across stage.

I received my diploma and smiled for the photos being taken. I glanced at Arrow back in his seat before going back to my seat.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to be hugging him. That's all I wanted was to be happy with the man I love...I couldn't do this anymore.

I got up out of my seat and rushed out and into the lobby area. I soon heard the doors behind me close. "Jo.." I heard that familiar voice say.

I turned around while wiping my eyes and saw Arrow.

~GUYS 🥺 The next chapter is the final chapter 😭 I hope everyone is ready! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you thought! Are you ready for the final chapter???? Thank you for reading!!

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