Chapter Eighteen

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"Get up, Princess!" I heard a loud male voice yell as the dark currents in my room were ripped open to reveal the light.

"Arrow! You mother fucker! I want it to be dark!"

"Get up, Princess, we have places to go! Things to do!" I heard his footsteps come over to the bed and take the pillow off of my head.  "Baby, as sexy as you are in that shirt. My shirt. And you're making my cock throb...I need you to get up and get dressed."

"Saying your cock is throbbing for me is a real good way of making me get out of bed." I grabbed his arm and pulled him into bed. "You know how much I love you inside of me."

"Baby," he groaned loudly. "I have a whole date for us planned. So I need you get that sexy ass of yours up and dressed. Make sure to bundle up."

I nodded and kissed him before getting out of bed. As I got up Arrow smacked me ass which caused me to giggle. "Arrow."

He shot me his adorable smile before I disappeared into my closet. I changed into black leggings and a grey sweater.

When I came back into my bedroom Arrow was standing there with his jeans and red t-shirt on.

He took my hand before leading me downstairs. I smiled as he laced our fingers together. The last week has been incredible; it was close to Christmas but we've been spending so much time together as a new couple.

When we were at the from entrance he passed me my winter coat.

I slipped it on as he slipped his on.

He took my out to his car and drove.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he put his hand on my thigh. It was incredibly hot when he rested his hand on my thigh while driving.

"It's a surprise and you should be wearing gloves but you have those nail things on." Arrow rolled his eyes.

"Asshat, they're cute and I'll be fine without gloves."

"You're right, I'll just let you put your hands down my pants to keep them warm." A smirk spread across Arrow's lips.

"You'd love that, wouldn't you?"

"You know I love everything about you and everything you do." He said as he pulled into a parking lot. He undid his seatbelt and turned to me. "Now, Princess. We are going to get some Starbucks hot chocolate and go for a walk in the park while it's snowing so we can look at all the Christmas lights."

My heart melted at his words. He knew that was one of my favourite things to do during the winter. I would often do it alone, even when I was dating that slimeball Andrew, he wouldn't even like to go.

I kissed Arrow and smiled big. "You're amazing."

Arrow chuckled and took me into Starbucks. We ordered our hot chocolates and started walking through the huge park.

It was snowing lightly as we had our hands laced together and walked down the park paths. The Christmas lights flowed through the light snow and dark night as we passed by.

It was so beautiful and such a peaceful moment.

I sipped on my hot chocolate as I looked at the lights. "You're so happy," Arrow said.

"Yes, I love the Christmas lights."

"So does my mom, I go with her at least once during December. My dad likes going with her too."

"We should take her on Christmas Eve." I smiled up at him and stopped at a wall of beautiful Christmas lighting.

"She would love that, just as she loves you." He smiled down at me being leaning down and kissing me.

Never The One (Book One) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now