Chapter 24 Goodnight means goodnight

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Lizzie's point of view:

"I had fun tonight." I told Dylan as he walked me to my front door. I wasn't completely lying to him. We had shared some nice moments this evening, but there was more awkwardness then good moments.

"Me too." He said as he gently held my hand. It felt weird being with Dylan again. We didn't click like we used to. "Maybe we could do it again sometime?" He basically pleaded.

"Yeah. Maybe." I smiled at him as I grabbed my key out of my purse. "Goodnight Dylan." I said as I pushed my key into the door.

"Goodnight Lizzie." I wasn't able to go into my house yet because he was still clutching my hand. Before I knew it, he had pulled me in and my lips were on top of his. What the hell was happening? I yelled at myself.

He's kissing me! I couldn't stop screaming at myself for letting him kiss me. I could really be a bitch. His lips were pushing hard onto mine and he made my teeth rattle. Not in a good way. They felt like they were going to fall out of my mouth because all of the force he was kissing me with.

"You know," he paused, as he started to slowly suck on my neck. "goodnight doesn't have to be, goodnight!" He said as he started to work his way down my dress. He was disgusting! I should have believed James.

"Dylan." I started off calmly but he wouldn't listen to me. "Dylan?" I said more shocked. "Dylan!" I started to scream and kick at his legs but before I knew it, he was unzipping my dress on my front porch!

I tried to hold my dress up so nothing would be revealed but I failed miserably. Then all of a sudden, someone came out of my house and punched Dylan in the nose. I couldn't tell who it was but whoever it was definitely scared the shït out of Dylan and he sent him running back into his car. I still couldn't see who had saved me, but once I heard him speak, I recognized his voice right away. "I told you he only thinks about sex." It was James! What was he doing at my house? "Come inside and pull up your dress. Not that I don't enjoy the view but I don't think your neighbors want to see you stripping on your pouch." James chuckled as he pulled me inside of my house.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here!" I yelled at him once we were inside and my boobs were back inside of my dress.

"I came over here and waited with your mom for you to get home." James explained to me.

"Hi honey!" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen. She must not of known what Dylan just tried to do because of she did know she'd hunt that boy down and chop off his balls.

"I needed to know you got home safely." James told me.

"Well you could of just called!" I shot back. I was pissed at James, but also thankful he was there to save me. I marched up my stairs and went straight into my bedroom and slammed my door behind me. James had also followed me upstairs and was now softly knocking on my bedroom door. "Elizabeth?" He gently asked. "Can I come in."

I got off of my bed and opened up the door for James to enter. Then he stepped into my bedroom and I flung myself at him. I was sobbing uncontrollably and I had put my head into his strong chest. "How could I have been so stupid?" I cried. "I can't believe I thought he could change." I whined with my face still planted on James' chest.

"There are two type of guys in the world." James started off saying. "The kind that will do anything to have sex, and the kind who will only have sex with one lady. People can change, but you need to trust them before you let yourself do something that could harm you with them." His soft voice echoed in my ear and I just felt tingly because of his strong, sexy arms wrapped around me. "You can't force someone to change." James continued. "But you can be the reason they try."

James bent his head down and kissed my forehead and I smiled. I lifted my face off of his chest and he whipped away a few of my left over tears. "Thank you." I sniffled up the rest of my tears and pulled up my slipping dress.

"I'm here for you whenever you need me." James kindly implied. "Elizabeth, you might want to change into something else because the sight of you right now, in that sexy dress is turning me on." We both laughed and I walked back into my closet and changed into a tank-top and a pair of plaid pajama pants. When I came out I saw James sitting on my bed, and I walked over and joined him. "Why'd you go back out with that loser Elizabeth?" James questioned me.

"I thought he could change. That he could make me happy like he did before. But all he did was bring back the pain he caused before." I paused and I could feel James' sexy eyes looking at me but I couldn't look back at him. I knew I would explode with more tears. "I feel like I need a mans love because I miss that feeling."

James was holding me in his strong arms and then he got a puzzled look on his face. "What are you talking about Elizabeth?" He softly whispered into my ear.

"When I was five years old, my dad left my mom and he took my brother with him." I couldn't retell the story without crying and just as I started off talking about what had happened, a tear rolled down my cheeks. "Apparently, he and my mom had been fighting for over a year. But being a five year old, I didn't understand what was going on. I remember walking into my brother Kyle's room and seeing my dad throw all of his belongings into a suitcase and my mom yelling at him for doing that. Then my dad stopped what he was doing and slapped her. I remember watching my mom falling to the ground and my dad dragging Kyle out of our house." A flood of tears had exited my eyes, but I didn't notice it until James hugged me even tighter. "Then about one hour latter, we got a call from the police telling my mom and I that my dad and Kyle had recently died, in a car accident." James placed his thumb on my face and carefully wiped away my tears. I was clutching onto my locket when I told James the last part. "A few weeks before my brother and dad left, I was having 5th birthday party and my dad gave me this locket. He told me that even when we're separated, we're together."

James placed his soft lips on top of my head and kissed it. "I'm sorry Elizabeth."

My night may have started off badly, but at least I got to end it with someone who cared about me, and I cared about.

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