Chapter 2 At least it wasn't a sword

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James' point of view:

She was pissed. Wow! I shook the thought of that nasty girl out of my mind and remembered I was with Annie. My girlfriend... For the week. Annie was nice and funny. But if you messed with her she'd kick you to the moon. I wrapped my muscular arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close to me. This didn't made me feel better.

"Hey babe, wanna go to Justin's party tonight? I'm gonna wear that short black dress that only covers my panties!" Annie giggled, knowing that the dress she was playing to wear would turn me on when I saw her in it. Not because she had a sexy body but because she knew I'd get drunk and then when I saw her I'd think she was sexy. But I'd have to be really, really, really drunk!

"I'll go. Justin asked me to bring some extra beers to the party cause his cousin was gonna be there and he needed a secret stash so he could handle his company." It was the truth. Cameron was annoying but also funny. He recently got a girlfriend and now he was all serious. But he still knew how to drive Justin crazy.

"I gotta go. My daddy's picking me up and you know how he feels about you. Bye baby! See you tonight at 7!" She strutted away. Making sure to shake her (flat) ass as she walked. She was really something else. And not a good something else. I've dated girls that were better then her but I heard she'd do anything in bed so I decided to give her a shot. We've only been dating for three days and we had sex four times. The rumors were so true!

She was constantly getting hit on by boys. She had no ass but she stuffed her bra. She bleached her hair so then she's be a blonde and I'd date her. I ONLY date blondes.

I walked away from her as she continued her adventure to kiss up to her dad so she'd get permission to spend time with me.

Lizzie's point of view:

"How rude!" Maya shook her head agreeing with what I had said about the ill mannered man who crushed my pen. "I mean, have some awareness! I had recently left Ms. Jackson's room so I could complain to Maya about what had just taken place.

Before I knew it, Maya and Cameron were gossiping about their own little problems, in their own little world. I was just left alone and I felt completely weirded out while I listened to their conversation.

"I really wanna wear my pink dress to the party Cam!" Maya whined.

"I don't want you to wear that dress. It shows off to much and guys might get touchy. Wear the blue one." Cameron was very protective. He was like her dad because he was constantly looking out for her.

"The blue one is to small. Remember! And it's to tight up by my boobs. My babies will suffocate." Maya reasoned with him.

"The yellow sundress?"

"EEWWW NO! Cameron, darling, I'm a red head and red heads don't look good in yellow!" Maya cried so all the world could hear her. "Everybody knows that!"

"Fine! Dress like a slut if you want to!" Cameron finally realized that he was getting no where I their petty argument. So, like a smart man... he gave up.

"Babe I love you but I'm not gonna wear yellow."

"I understand Maya." He drew in a big breath of air and said, "could you consider wearing the purple dress?" He winced because he was sacred that she'd tell at him for being so inconsiderate.

"I'll consider the option." Then she leaned in for one of her famous sloppy joe kisses. His tongue tracked down her throat and I wondered why is it when people kiss they try to swallow each other whole? Then Cameron grabbed Maya's ass and started caressing it. That was my cue to leave.

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