Chapter 11 How can i live?

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Maya's point of view:

"You do know it like 3:30 in the morning?" I told the lunatic on the other side of the phone.

"Yes but I need you right now!" She huffed. "I need help!"

"Ask your mom." I replied. "She can just google the answer!" I sarcastically said. I could hear the tension growing over the phone. "Fine!" I whined. "I'll be there soon." I slowly and carefully stepped out of bed. I had gotten so drunk earlier and now I had the worst hangover! At least I wasn't vomiting like half the other idiots there.

I stumbled downstairs and hit my head a few times on the wall. "Ouch!" I cried. I finally made my way to my kitchen cabinets and I searched for some kind of medicine to sooth my pain. I completed my task and then hoped into my car and drove over to Lizzie's.

She must have been waiting for me because she saw me pull up and was there at the door. "You owe me." I said.

"I know." Lizzie helped me into her bedroom. All of these stairs were making my legs burn. "Ok, here ya are." She then pulled out an air mattress that lived under her bed. This is where I aways slept when I stayed over. I slowly sat down. I was being careful because my ass was hurting so much!

"What happened?" I questioned Lizzie and then she told me everything! About how Dylan told her he loved her and how he slugged James. And she informed me on her and James' heartfelt moment upstairs in the bathroom and then at McDonalds. After I knew everything Lizzie was close to tears. "What's wrong sweetie?" I put my arm around her and pulled her close to give her all the support I had in me.

"I think I like him." She paused trying to grasp the right words. "But I'm scared. I don't want to get hurt. I don't want to trust him because he has a record of being untrustworthy." I pulled out a tissue and freed her face from her soaking wet tears. "I just want to know I can trust him. I want to know that he won't use me or leave me. That he really cares about me."

"Oh baby," I said squeezing her shoulder. "I don't know a lot. But the one thing I do know is that you can't get everything you want. You just get someone who wants you."

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