Chapter 19 Silence is deadly

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James' point of view:

We then walked back into Elizabeth's family room and we finished watching one more episode of Once Upon A Time. We barely spoke at all unlike we did before. I shouldn't have tried to kiss her. She wasn't ready and I had to wait. But everything she did just turned me on and I wanted her even more.

When a small strand of her hair would accidentally fall across her eyes, I wanted to go over to her and pull it back behind her ear while gently kissing her lips and neck. I craved her. When she would smile my heart warmed up and it was over 110 degrees in there. I wanted to hold her when she was cold and protect her when she was hurt. But I highly doubt that she'd ever let me in.

A few minutes latter and we sat in silence. I was searching for something to say and then I decided to just tell her the truth. "I can't stand this." I said.

"What?" She asked me turning her head and laying her soft, sweet eyes on me.

"I don't like this show. It's just to dramatic for me. But I do like it when they pull out their swords and fight." I bluntly said. She playfully rolled her eyes and I felt my heart jump. "And I also don't like it how you unintentionally turn me on." I added.

"What?" The playful look she had been given me turned into a shocked one. "I don't know what you mean."

"Your laugh, your smile, you beauty, your jokes, almost everything you do turns me on. And I can't take it!" I stood
up from the couch and ran my fingers through my hair. "I can't stand the fact that the one time I really truly want to be with someone, I can't have them!" I cried not caring I was pouring my heart out to her. I then started pacing the floor. Back and forth. Back and forth. "I want you Elizabeth, but I know that we're just friends. And tomorrow we'll just be friends. And next week, we'll just be friends!" By this point I was mad. I was pissed that I couldn't be with her.

I wanted her. I needed her.

She stood up and walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder and tightly squeezed it. She sent little swirls of warmth down my spine, through my fingers, and all the way down to my toes. I looked into her sexy eyes as she looked into mine. "And I won't act like I don't care about you, when you're all I care about." I finished my speech and continued to look at Elizabeth and all of her beauty.

"James?" I heard her loving and compassionate voice echoing in my head. "I'm sorry James. Please, don't cry" I didn't realize that I was crying until she said I was. I had completely broken down. But it felt good that she was there to comfort me. She then wrapped her thin arms around my muscular waist and held me tight. Then I put my arms around her and I hugged her back with all the love I had to offer her.

"Don't let go." I requested.

"I'm not planing on it."

That was all she said. That was all she needed to say. Before the silence between us was killing me, but right now, in this very moment, the silence want killing me. It was helping heal me.

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