Chapter 132.2 ~ Chimera

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AN: Hey guys~ Here's the second update of the week~!!!!! Hope you guys enjoy it~!!!

So it used <<Last Stance>> and <<Final Breath>> in the end.

His fists clenched its hold around <<Uriel>> and <<Aegis>.

<<Last Stance>>, a last resort skill special to special monsters in the Sin of Pride Raid Dungeon that can only be used once and will activate at the realization of certain defeat. In exchange for 10% of its HP, they will receive an increase in their defense, magic defense, and gain damage negating effects and immunity to immobilizing effects for 10 seconds. While in this state, their attacks would be extremely difficult to interrupt and they will be extremely difficult to kill.

Meanwhile <<Final Breath>>, the trump card and most devastating attack of the Chimera of Pride. It is an area-wide blast that centered around the Chimera that will deal large amounts of damage to its surroundings instantly and grant numerous deadly debuffs. When used in tandem, it would most likely succeed in casting the spell, even after considering the cast time of <<Final Breath>>.

The cast time of <<Final Breath>> was 10 seconds. In Grandeur Fantasia, all raid members will immediately cast their greatest damaging spells and skills to take it down before it is activated.

But in this situation... that is highly unlikely.

His current power wouldn't be enough to deplete the remaining 20% of the Chimera's remaining HP due to the effects of <<Last Stand>>. Even if he and his player assistants work together and use their strongest skills, Leon had already calculated that there will be a remaining 3% and it will activate its <<Final Breath>>.

If it did, the blast will definitely destroy the stadium and kill everyone who's still evacuating, including the nobles.

He thought and thought, and he reached a single possible action that could defeat the chimera within the time limit.


Leon glanced back towards Amaterasu and grimaced.

To defeat this chimera within the time limit, Leon would need to use <<Mystification>> with Lux to further boost his light element magic. In addition to the light element buffs he received from Freya, Charlotte, and his armor, he would gain enough power to deplete that remaining 3% of the chimera.

But in doing so, he would be revealing the fact that he was the prophesized man Amaterasu would have to marry.

Leon hesitated. Though there wasn't anyone left in the spectators' seat, he didn't want to reveal this fact to people other than his lovers and friends, and especially to Amaterasu. She has a man that she loves, and he didn't want to rob her of her freedom to marry him, even if it did pain him slightly at the thought.

In this situation, it would certainly be the only way, but...

[Do it, darling. Everything will be fine.]

Leon looked towards Freya with a slightly surprised expression. He was sure that Freya knew why he'd hesitate to "Mystify" in front of Amaterasu and Altria. Yet, despite the fact, she still encouraged him to do so.

He wondered why she would encourage him to steal Amaterasu's freedom to marry the one she loves. But she was smiling every so gently and warmly. Her expression told him to trust her and that everything will indeed be fine.

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