Chapter 161 ~ Settling In

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AN: Woke up this morning, and my room was still hella dark. I love rain, but rains in the morning make it so hard to wake up...

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please vote and comment your thoughts~! 

After various considerations, it is decided that the demon lord of lust, Lilith, would be staying in the Misteltein mansion.

The two biggest reasons why they all agreed to let Lilith stay with them in this mansion were one, to keep an eye on her, and two, to gain as much information as they can about the dark monsters and Wrath.

They had no other source of information other than from their own investigation, which had proven to be very scarce. The fact that a demon lord actually came to them was a miracle, and it would be a foolish decision to drive her away. Thus was their decision.

However, Celestine still gave her several restrictions if she wanted to live here. Since she would be staying here in the guise of being Celes's human friend, Lilith would need to hide her demonic horns and wings and actually wear regular looking clothes to blend in with everyone. She will also need to inform her or Leon and the others if she wants to roam outside the mansion to create any problems.

"Ufufufu~ I understand. Ah~ I can finally live under the same roof as Leon~"

Lilith hugged herself lustfully with a wide, infatuated smile on her face, imagining the "things" she could do now that they live together.

But suddenly, the temperature in the room fell drastically, sending chills down her spine.

"Lilith~ Whatever you are thinking, I will never let you do it to my son~ Do you understand~?"

"O-Oh my~ Of course, Goddess~ I would never do such a thing."

Despite her composure, the only person, or rather, being in this world that she was afraid of was the Goddess. Her chilling smile was even more terrifying than her divinity that could actually kill her.

It was only until Celestine averted her attention away from her did she silently sighed in relief.

"Leon, come with me for a moment please."

"Yes, mother."

Celestine led Leon to a room, leaving Lilith with the rest of Crimson Lightning in awkward silence.

After a while, Laura couldn't stand the silence anymore and scratched her head in frustration.

"Argh! Screw it! I'm tired, so I'll just think about this later. Mia, Raf, can you lead me to my room? This mansion's too big and I don't feel like using my brain right now."

"Eh- Ah, sure."

"Geez. Fine..."

"See ya' later, demon lord. Let's have a brawl sometimes~!"


"Ufufufu~ It would be a pleasure~"

"M-Master, are you crazy?!"

"What? Don't sweat~ She doesn't seem like a bad guy, so let's just relax. Ahahahaha!"

Laura laughed as she walked ahead with Mia and Rafael following her out of the living room. Soon, their figure could no longer be seen and only the sound of Laura's laughter and Mia's shouting voice could be heard before it slowly dissipated as well.

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