Chapter 225 ~ A Private Dinner

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Shortly after the royal family of Bestia descended from the abode of the divine fox race's first ancestor through the hidden staircase, followed by Alex, Rafael, Mia, and Laura, Amaterasu's foxy ears perked up the moment she received a telepathic message.

"Ah! Leon just called me~! He said they're already in the secret passage into the castle~!"

"Umu. Susanoo, go. Welcome them and lead them here."

"Eeeeeeehhh? Isn't Leon's memory very good? He must've already memorized the correct path and all the locations of the traps-"


That one word said with the deep, guttural voice of his father, the terrifying glare he had associated with deep-rooted trauma from his childhood, and the wave of terrifying aura he exuded was enough to send shivers down one of the greatest warriors of the Bestia Kingdom.

His body flinched instinctually and the hair and fur on his body stood up to its end.

In front of his father, he was still but a cub before a lion.


With a heavy sigh, Susanoo begrudgingly make his way to the seemingly normal wall and placed his hand on it.

The polished wooden wall shimmered for a moment as he imbued some of his magic power into it, and slowly slid open to the side.

He entered the darkened tunnel that began to lit up from the magic lanterns hanging from its wall, and the wooden wall shut close once again.

Looking at his little brother, Tsukuyomi let out a small sigh and smiled wryly.

Going against father is simply unwise... I thought you learned that firsthand with your own body, brother...

Tsukuyomi couldn't help but recall the times Susanoo, the great warrior of Bestia, become a ragdoll after enraging their father in the past.

Yet, even after all of that, he never learned his lesson since they were young. He had always liked to live freely without having anyone bind him and challenge those who dare try.

With his strength and talent in martial arts and swordsmanship, very few could do so. However, before their father, whose might didn't only lay in his peerless strength, but the inherent charisma and bearing of a true ruler, he was but an immature, slightly stronger than normal, boy.

There was a reason why the great king Izanagi was extremely respected by each and every citizen of the beastman kingdom who valued and respected strength, honor, and might above all.

And every time he slips up before his father, he would be reminded of that fact with a just few words and one glare, just like right now.

"Ufufufu~ Then, shall we chat for a little while we wait for them~?"

"Uhn~! I have a lot of things I want to tell you, mother dearest~!"

"Oh my~ Ufufufu~ Then, let's take a seat shall we~? I'm excited to listen to your story~ Let's go, dear~"


Amaterasu hugged her mother's arm and dragged her off in excitement to sit on the beautiful cushions that had been laid atop the elevated tatami mats, followed by Izanagi.

Unlike the throne room in Arcland's royal castle, the throne room of the Himeji castle was... "simpler" and more traditional in comparison.

There were no grand structures of pillars, chandeliers, or a golden throne. Instead, half of the room was slightly elevated, where the royal family would be sitting at the center. Various beautiful paintings of mountains, rivers, divine foxes, and various other depictions of nature in Bestia styled art decorated the walls around that half of the enormous room.

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