Two Months At Home.

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Your POV

Last night I didnt really sleep.. in fact I got up before the sun rise just to take a look around before I had to leave. I went back up to that same spot Zen and i went to before. He promised he'd ask to marry me up here last time so many months ago.. Now im sitting here with this beautiful ring in my hand
"I wish Zen was here again.." i muttered to myself as i looked at the sun rise. It took so long for the sun to peek through and see me.
After a long while, there was a noise coming from the steps. It made my heart pound with wonder and worry. Worry because there was once enemies up here shooting arrows at us just weeks ago.. But then I saw this person.. and my worries faded.
"Y/n.." Zen called to me with a smile as he continued to walk to my side. "I hoped i might find you here" he said softly as he sat next to me.
"I wanted to see you all night but I couldn't bring myself to wake you up so early..  I said as i looked at the ring in my hands on my lap.
"I was up too. I went to the gardens first but you werent there. I almost gave up till I remembered this place.." He told me and was looking in my hands as well.
"Sorry I sent you on a wild goose chase" i giggled and looked back up to him.
"You didnt, that was my choice" he smiled. His choice to be with me.. My heart is pounding because of his words and the things he does..
"I wish i had the choice to stay longer.." i said as looked to the sunrise.
"Your family needs you too. Don't forget your country either, lord knows Raji couldnt do well without your guidance" Zen chuckled and shyly slipped his hand in mine while I wasnt looking but I welcomed it.
"I hope that by the time im gone he'll be able to rule without my guidance. He needs to talk to the citizens more somehow to figure out what he can do for them" i said as i wondered to myself.
"I wouldn't let him go to town like you do. Hes not as social" he chuckled as i moved a little closer to his side.
"Thats very true" i giggled, "even so, he'll figure something out eventually.. For now, all I need to do is work a bit harder to come back to you." I said softly with a growing smile.
"Dont work too hard while im not there" he said as we looked off to the sun.
"Ill try."

We had a little more time together before we parted. I left early in the morning with Obi and had a 3 and a half days trip back home that was incredibly boring and uncomfortable. It was hard for me and Obi to settle back in and we were really restless so we went and had ourselves a match outsids only after i greeted my family. Father couldn't talk once I got home, he was having an important discussion with some nobles about stuff in Tanbarun. My siblings were excited to see me again. They heard about all the troubles in Clarines and what happened sith Rue. I explained to Raji how Rue used to be Dominic's old aid and tried to kill me off like the rest of my family but failed. I didnt tell the twins though, itd scare them. Raji was a little scared too but he understood. I showed the twins the stitches on my back, they were very curious but Raji didn't want to see so he went off somewhere. The twins were actually in tears. Obi saw it for the first time too but he thought it was pretty cool after getting over the worried part. Rona and Eugena couldn't stop crying so i had to comfort them. But finally after that, I had that match with Obi. It was a lot of fun. He went easy on me because I could tear my stitches again so we didnt go all out. We had gaurds watching though, they thought it was amazing how a princess could have so much fight left in her even after almost being assassinated.
It turns out that the whole kingdom heard i had almost been assassinated and actually blamed it on Clarines! I couldn't leave the castle to set things straight so I was just stuck worrying about mine and Zen's kingdoms. I started writting my letters again for this month and explained the situation here that night.
The next day I got to talk to father about what happened. He was very worried about my health but I showed him I was fine. I told him about how I slapped the queen and got kicked out which he wasn't very happy about. Then we got to Rue attacking me. He said my other dad actually wrote him a letter and it was sent a while ago. He said dad thought I'd actually die in his arms that night but I pulled through miraculously. Then I told him about what happened once I got to Clarines again. I told him in detail about the deaths and what we did. He said he was proud that I helped protect Clarines with the king and Zen. Then we eventually talked about the marriage meeting. He was happy that it finally happened too. We discussed that we can only have a wedding after everything is completely blown over which means we probably won't marry till next year.. But i did show him the ring Zen gave me. Father was in shock that he proposed 'so soon'. It really wasn't soon, its just soon to the public but they don't even know yet. I also told him about Obi getting engaged too. Father felt pretty horrible keeping us away from Clarines now but it was alright.
Over the course of the next week, Obi and i have been hunting down all the people who jumped the castle wall just to get info on me. I dressed up as a guard which was really fun. I got the idea from Zen when he dressed up as a guard at the festival once. Obi and i caused a lot of trouble running around in uniforms like that but it was fun. I finally had the last of my stitches taken out too which was nice. At the end of the week I started going back to the greenhouse. The flowers haven't bloomed outside yet so im waiting for that. I sat down where I normally would with my pen, paper, wax and stamp.
I began writting to Zen like normal. Obi normally doesn't write with me though, he does that at some other time in the day when I'm not with him. Everything was going good until I noticed this person sneaking around. This wasn't anything new to us. Obi saw this person too.
"Y/n, do you-" Obi began but i stopped him without even looking up.
"I know.. Ive been watching him for the past 10 minutes" i said quietly and looked up to check that person's position again. Are they really trying to enter..?
"What me to take care of them?.." He asked softly and tried not to make it look like we noticed this person.
"No, maybe if i gave them some information they'd leave us alone for good.." i muttered back.
"But after everything in Clarines, these people aren't safe. You aren't safe anymore no matter where you go.." he told me as i streched my arms.
"I know that. I need to start up training again. We should start tomorrow morning" i said tiredly.
"Tomorrow then.." he answered softly. "Should i go let them in then?.." he asked in wonder.
"Let them travel if they want" i chuckled as i went back to writting my letter. I wrote about my situation right now. About how theres another person who entered the castle just like the others looking for information. Zen would probably have already gotten up and dealt with this person but im kind of bored of that after this week.
Another few minutes passed by and this person actually came in. They opened the door and hid somewhere close by it.
"Princess, how long of letters do you write?" Obi asked using my title as a way to tell me this person has entered.
"Long enough to catch that person who just walked in" i said with a sigh as i stood up and streched my back. The person hiding flinched and moved the plants by accident.
"Come out! We know you're there!" Obi shouted as i yawned to myself. Im so tired for some reason lately. Maybe I'm still recovering from the things that happened in Clarines.
"I-Im sorry to intrude!" A girl shouted and stood up then bowed. The person who came in is a woman? Why is she acting like this? I thought for sure she'd run away.
"Come forward and state your name!" Obi shouted again. Hes enjoying this too much..
The girl slowly walked around to where i stood with a less than happy look on my face. Not to mention she was looking at my letter to Zen too closely. "My name is Roslin.. I was sent by the castle town to check if the Princess was hurt.." She confessed with her head down.
"I appreciate your concern but the work you put in to escaping the guards was too much." I told her sternly and wasn't being quite so nice. Well, maybe I was compared to other royals..
"I know and im sorry princess, but we were all so worried after hearing the news of your attempted assassination while in Clarines and no one had any news of your health. Then the Wistal castle was attacked while you were there.." she trailed off and looked worried and scared.
"Im not hurt and i appreciate your worry but you could have been in more trouble than you think if you got caught here. I have to ask you to turn back now" i told her with a soft smile.
"I understand.." she muttered and lowered her head.
"Was that all you came for?.." i asked in wonder. If i want all that to stop then I need to give her more answers.
"Well.. Rumors say that the attacker was your last attendant.. They said you traveled back to Clarines with your real father too then once arriving you fought in a battle that killed most of the castle staff.. they said you were very hurt, they thought you wouldn't make it.." she went on quietly.
"Well.." i sighed as i thought about it, "I was almost killed by him when I had my back turned. My real father did save me and we did fight at Wistal castle. The queen died and king Izona rules alone but hes a great king so there's nothing to worry about" i explained as i thought to myself. Obi stayed quiet for this whole thing.
"R-Really? And you're not hurt?" She asked quickly and looked a little worried but happy.
"I was hurt but im all healed now. I stayed in Clarines and had a marriage meeting with prince Zen" i began in thought.
"W-We heard about that too.. So you're going to marry him and move away?.." She asked sadly.
"I hope I do" i shrugged smiling. "I love my kingdom but there are still much better other rulers than me. Raji is turning out to be quite the prince now too" i smiled as i thought about that.
"I see.. The town will be very happy to hear you're alright" she answered and was a bit sad at the news ill be leaving.
"Obi, do you mind helping her find a way out?" I asked with a smile.
"Not at all, Princess" he nodded smiling before guiding the girl out.
It was pretty quiet after they left.
Not much happened for a while after meeting with that girl though. Obi and i began training and I had continued working on my studies about Tanbarun and Clarines now. Then one day the next month, I had finally received Zen's letters. He had quiet a lot to tell me this time.. Shirayuki was pregnant.
"What?!" I shouted with wide eyes and a giant grin on my face as i leaned back in my chair and scared the hell out of Obi.
"What in the world does that letter say thats so surprising you almost gave me a heart attack?" Obi asked with a sigh as he leaned against my windowsill.
"Uh.. Its nothing.." i muttered as i stood up and walked around the room reading.

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