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Author- *rereads a couple of the last chapters bc I got bored with the current book I'm writing. Gets ti the end and realizes I have a finished draft I never posted 😗✌🏼*
Sorry everyone, it's rough coming up with ideas on how to finish this book without being boring asf.


That afternoon all I really did was cry. There's been a lot of things to cry for but I've always held back. I think I'll really turn into a cry baby now. I feel almost helpless with such a soft voice and hurt body.

I really wondered how zen wanted me back. He won't let me say no and if I do, he won't even listen. I'm thankful for that. It's really been 8 months. I'm finally getting married and going home..

I couldn't be happy all day though. The king and queen of Tinton arrived at 6 pm, nearly sun down. My father, the king, had a private meeting when they first arrived to tell them I had killed their son. I cant even think of a reason why I did it. I tried to say that it was for self defense. That he could have grabbed the knife and really got me but that wasn't it. I didn't even think, I just acted.. I saw my chance and took it..

The king and queen requested to meet with me. They were furious, of course. I had just killed their first born and air to the thrown.. My father said they weren't allowed to see me because I was still resting. It was true, I had stayed in bed attached to an oxygen supply. I had zen with me and all my family and friends for the first time ever.. I was scared though. How do I tell another family I murdered their child?.. Even if he did try to kill me first, it doesn't change the fact that I ruined an entire kingdoms future and hurt their family greatly. I know for sure we've lost Tinton, they'll never help us again. They might even consider war..

Even though I'm scared, I met with them. Father said it was too risky because if they tried to hurt me I couldnt fight back. I had Obi though again. Zen refused to leave my side as well. He was sort of an eye witness like obi.

I stayed in bed. Everyone cleared out of my room except for obi and Zen. Obi stood guard next to the door while Zen sat in a chair by my bed side. Two more chairs were set up in front of my bed but I doubt the king and queen would sit right now.

The sun had already fallen and all the light I had in my room was from candles. Finally, the king and queen were at my door. Guards had escorted them here and made sure to stand guard outside my door. The king and queen entered. I had a bandage around my throat so they didn't have to see the mess of stitches.

"Princess Y/n, we've heard a lot already.." The king started while the queen stared at me in angry tears. "We know well of your past working in Alfin. It's not a surprise you decided to strike." The king didn't seem sad. He's angry though, I understand that. I dont have any room to feel bad for my past though.

"You must be aware she didn't have a choice in the past eirher." Zen stood up and stayed next to my side.

"Shh.." I hushed him as I tries to sit up.  "Ah-.." I hurt myself somehow as I sat up. Zen came to me, he put his hand on my back and gently helped me sit up just a little more.

"Has what your father said true? You killed my son?" The king asked with anger in his tone but stayed calm.

"I did.." my voice was very soft and had been sounding worse as the day passed from all my crying. "Please, sit.. W-We can talk.." I asked and nodded to the chairs.

"How can we be relaxed when we just found out our son died? It doesn't help that his murderer is laying right in front of us!.." The queen cried while her husband tried to make her feel better.

"Im sorry.. I know theres nothing I-i can-.. i.. That-.." I was losing my trian of thought. I'm still wearing the mask but I can't get any air in!..

"Princess, I don't believe this was such a good idea to meet now with the state you're in. Please allow me to set up another date and time for a meeting with the king and queen of Tinton" Obi took a step up once he realized just how weak I've become.

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