Return The Stolen

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Your POV

Id like to say that my night ended after leaving the herbalist hall but it really didnt.. Isabelle came looking for me with a vengeance. She marched down halls in her night gown looking for me. I was in my room when Obi stopped by to warn me. I didnt think she knew where my room was till 20 minutes later when she knocked on the door. I had just gotten out of the bath and had put Zen's watch on my bed so I wouldnt get it wet but.. i should have took it with me when I hid under the bed..
"Excuse me. Princess, are you here?" Isabelle shouted for me while looking around my room. I watched her secretly for 5 full minutes. She looked through everything i had sitting out.. then found Zen's watch.. i had to grit my teeth and bare with it. She picked it up and asked herself why I would have such a watch before assuming it was Zen's and took it. I really hate her.. Then she left. I got out from my hiding spot with raging fury and anger. Shes been pushing her luck all day and im almost to my breaking point. She went far away, probably to her room which gave me time to go talk to Izona about her stealing. I've had quite enough of her acts.
I was still dressed in my normal as i walked right down to his office. It wasn't too late in the night so I hoped he would be there still.
"Prince Izona, may i enter?" I knocked loud enough for him to hear.
"Come in!.." he shouted to me. I opened the door, walked in then shut it before walking to the front of his desk. "Y/n, what an unexpected visit. You dont look very happy, did something happen?" He asked with a sighed and put down his pen.
"Im sorry to be taking your work time away but id like to talk to you about Isabelle" i stated with a glare I didn't know i was giving.
"Really? It seems like shes been more trouble than I initially realized.." he sighed and stood up from his spot then walked to the window.
"Zen and i have been patient with her and have kept our mouths shut because we dont want to mess things up for you but this power she thinks she has, has gone to her head" i began with a cold glare at the floor.
"Yes, I've heard many stories about her rudeness already but what has she done thats bothered you so much to find me?" He askd as he turned to me.
"Today she slapped my attendant and i let it slide. Rue was left with a bruise and scratches across his cheek." I started as i though back to today.
"I see.. There must be more then?" He asked as he thought to himself.
"She went in my room, looked through my things and stole the watch Zen is lending me. I need it back now but I didnt want to say anything to her because of your marriage tomorrow" I said with the meanest glare ive ever given. I dont mean to glare but I can't help feeling angry.
"Oh, its about Zen" he chuckled, "i should have known" he sighed smiling. "I will bring it to you personally tomorrow morning. This isnt the first time she's stolen something, last time it was Zen in your shoes" Izona told me with a smile.
"I know." I stated with a death glare and felt like i was steaming.
"I will put an end to her stealing and ill try to fix her rudeness. If that's all, you may go" he said as he went back to his desk.
"Thank you" i bowed to him before leaving with a burning glare in my eyes. I cant believe she stole from us and thought she could get away with it! Stupid girl...
Once I got back to my room I changed into my night gown and got ready for bed all for nothing. Isabelle knocked again but I had already locked the door. She was at my door for an entire 15 minutes talking about random stuff and I couldn't take it anymore so I jumped out the window. I ran outside then inside and went straight to find Zen before I blew my top.. then I heard her.. Shes out of sight but close so I needed to hurry.
"Zen! I-I really need to talk to you!" I whispered at his door and knocked softly. He didnt take long to open the door but neither did Isabelle in turing the corner. Before she saw me, I pushed my way inside and shut the door behind me quickly. Zen looks stunned and has a bright blush tinting his face which doesn't help even in the slightest.
"I-Im sorry, I know its inappropriate for me to be here but Isabelle has been tracking me down all night and she-" i began quietly before there was a knock on the door.
"Prince Zen, do you know where I can find princess Y/n?" Isabelle knocked at the door. I jumped in my spot and ran to Zen's side.
"Go over there.." He whispered to me and pointed to the other side of the room where his bed was. I nodded before quickly trying to hide out of sight while Zen opened the door.
"She's alseep in her own room right now and she shouldn't be bothered" Zen told her with quite the mean tone. I cant believe im hiding in his room but what I really can't believe more is that Isabelle walked right up to Zen's door like this. It makes me wonder how often she stop by at night like this..
"I see, I just wanted to apologize to her about ealier but I suppose I can find her tomorrow" she said with a sigh. Then I realized something.. my door was locked yet shes still looking for me.. Did she break in and steal again?!
"Isabelle, why do you have that picture?.." Zen asked and was trying to hold back his anger. What picture?..
"I found this outside of the princesses room and wanted to return it but I cant find her. Shes not in her room" she lied again. So she stole again..
"I will return it to her in the morning" Zen said and reached for the picture but Isabelle yanked it away "thats alright, I can take care of it" she said hesitantly.
"No, I will bring it to her." He commanded and took hold of the framed picture. "If that's all, you need then go" he said with a rather mean tone.
"Yes, Highnesses, good night.." She said before Zen shut the door with a sigh.
"Y/n, you can come out now.." He said softly before I stepped out to see him looking at the picture. That one's of my family a month before they passed..
"This is the second time tonight she stole from me.." i muttered as he gently placed the frame in my hands.
"What?.." he asked in shock, "what else did she take?" He asked and looked mad again.
"She came to my room a while ago after I had taken a bath but I didnt want to talk to her so I hid. She came in and took your watch off my bed.." i muttered with a lowered head. I could hear Zen's teeth grind together, hes so mad. "So i went to Izona about it and he said he'd bring it back to me tomorrow morning.." i explained as i looked back up to Zen.
"I only just got back what she took from my office a while ago.. He may not find it for a while.." he sighed and lowered his head a little.
"Its okay.. As long as i have you, I dont need anything else" i smiled. All I want is to be my Zen's side, I dont need his watch to do that.
He smiled as he lightly placed his hand on the top of my head and pressed his forehead against mine.
"A part of me wants to stay longer, n-not for that long but i just uh- well.." i stuttered out and felt a little embarrassed. Its already inappropriate im here no matter the reason but I just want to be with him for a while longer..
"Lets go to the greenhouse then. Its warm and Isabelle definitely wont find us there" he smiled as we pulled apart.
"Maybe i should have put on shoes before I ran over here then" i giggled and looked down at my feet. I ran through the snow to find Zen and escape Isabelle.
"Dont worry" he chuckled and took my hand, "but we should hurry before anyone sees us" he whispered as he opened the door then looked around before we started running down the hall together hand in hand.
"I missed running away with you like this!.." i whispered followed by a quiet giggled and held his hand tighter.
"Me too!.." he chuckled before stopping at the corner. He looked around again before turning and running down that hall as well. Once we reached the door to outside he stopped and sweep me off my feet! This felt so exciting to me that I just couldnt stop giggling!
"Shh, we'll be caught, Y/n!.." he hushed me with a wide smile as he ran with me tight in his arms.
"I know, im sorry but this is so fun!.." i whispered back happily.
"You still weigh next to nothing, have you ever eaten before?" He asked jokingly with a soft chuckle.
"We've ate together everyday since I've been here! Maybe my metabolism is just really good" i grinned to myself as we stopped at the green house. He opened the door before setting me down. The floor was freezing but inside felt warm and nice.
"Now no one will find us" Zen sighed as he sat down on the floor.
"It took us two weeks just to be alone" i giggled as i slowly walked around the garden.
"It looks like some good came out of Isabelles torture then" he joked as his eyes followed me.
"I suppose thats true but I wonder what shes doing now. I hope she's not in my room again.." i sighed while Zen chuckled.
"Maybe we should keep a guard outside your door from now on" Zen suggested.
"No." I stated quickly and glared while he continued laughing. "Itd be nice if she had some common decency though" i pouted, "and I lost your watch.." i muttered as i sat on the brick surrounding the flower bed.
"You didnt lose it, it was stolen and it wasn't your fault either" he said as he stood up and walked over to me.
"Yeah but she knew it was important to me, thats why she took it.." i mumbled and let my head lower as I looked at the small stream constantly watering the herbs.
"Dont worry about it too much.." He told me and gently pet the top of my head.
"I know but i do hope I have it back before I return to Tanbarun.." i smiled up at him.
"I wish you'd never have to go.." he sighed and sat down on the floor by my feet.
"I know, this was supposed to be our time but it got moved.." i muttered and felt horrible.
"Its our unofficial time now though" he chuckled and leaned back then shut his eyes.
"Finally.." i sighed and slowly looked up to the little waterfall.
"What is the dress you picked out like?.." he asked through the silence.
"I hate to admit it but it sort of makes me look like a princess.." i sighed while he chuckled.
"I didnt imagine that. You hate big dresses" he chuckled as i gently put mg finger in the cold stream of water.
"I hate wearing them everyday and getting pamper for hours but I dont mind it on such an important day.." i explained with a soft smile. The water feels a little cold but smooth.
"I cant wait till then.." he muttered and began to doze off.
"Neither can i" i whispered as i slid down to the floor and sat next to him. I wouldnt mind staying here all night with him even though we might get in trouble in the morning if we're caught.
"Y/n.. When you do have to go back and Isabelle is still queen.. Please don't worry about us.." he whispered and gently rested his head on my shoulder. He's so tired he can barely stay awake while talking. Today must've been long for him too..
"No promises, Zen.. Ill always worry about you.." i whispered and gently rested my cheek against the top of his head after shutting my eyes.
"I love you, Y/n.." he whispered before he fell completely asleep.
"I love you too, Zen.." i whispered with a soft smile on my face.

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