Together For A While

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3 chapters just for lockstown omgggggg. It's over after this tho... then we get into some scary stuff hehe.

3rd pov

For the next 2 days Shirayuki and Y/n took turns doing their 8 hour shifts. Y/n took the night shift and always helped out during the day time picking herbs, cleaning or helping out with the soilders.
Right now, Obi and Y/n are cleaning weapons in the armory, Shirayuki and shuka are making lunch, and Zen, kiki, and Mitsuhide are taking care of the soilders.

Your pov (pov may change a few times this chapter)

"Y/n, are you doing okay over there?" Obi asked and tried to hold in a laugh.
"Yeah.. I can do this with my eyes closed.." I muttered and slowly pushed the brush in and out of the gun with my eyes shut.
"Have you gotten any sleep yet?" He asked again.
"Sleep is for the weeeeeeak.." I hummed and leaned against the brick wall comfortably.
".....Y/N!" Obi suddenly scream. It got my blood pumping so fast and my heart pounding from the scare.
"OBI!" I screamed back with a glare while he laughed at me.
"Hey! I brought you guys some snacks for your hard work! Why are you two yelling?" Shuka came in with a laugh and some rolls of bread on a plate.
"Oo-" I hummed to myself when I looked at the bread. Staying up for the past two days really uses up all your energy so I get hungry a lot quicker now but it's kind of good because Obi has been teasing me all day that I'm skinnier than my bones which is literally impossible.
"When you get the chance y/n, do you mind making something for pain relief? One of the soilders hurt his ankle fighting kiki today" shuka chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.
"Of course" I nodded and took one of the rolls before Obi could eat them both. "If you dont mind Obi, i must be going" i told him as I slowly stood up and used the wall for help.
"Are you sure you have enough energy to do that? You were just falling asleep over here" obi asked with a mouth full of bread.
"I can manage" I told him with a smile before leaving. I knew there wasnt enough herbs with Shirayuk so I had to go look for some but it's a good thing I already know where it's at. I walked along the halls and all the way outside while eating my bread. Everything seemed to slow down and my body felt so heavy but I kept going. After I make this pain reliever I'll probably go take a nap before we leave tomorrow.
The snow had dried up a good bit which left behind so nice herbs and also some youd only find growing under snow. I looked around for a while before finally finding a good patch of what I needed. I took my time picking the herbs and putting them in the small basket by the door that Shirayuki had left from a previous trip. While I was making my way back I had my eyes closed as I walked down the long straight hallways. At some point I had accidentally dropped my basketball and the herbs slipped everywhere so I had to clean those up too.. I should really hurry this up. I'm so tired I cant even keep my eyes open while I'm walking. I finally stood back up and began my walk just down the rest of this hall.. but things got dizzy very quickly and I wasnt able to keep my eyes open.
"Y/n!" Someones shouted my name from far away. I opened my eyes and immediately started rubbing the back of my head in pain. I cant believe I fell asleep so quickly.. not to mention i just fell on the ground and hit my head. "Y/n, what's wrong?" Zen asked and held one hand behind my back while his other held onto my free hand.
"Sorry, I just tripped. I guess it didnt look very graceful huh?.." I lied and laughed to him. I shouldnt lie but I dont want him to worry.
"When was the last time you got any sleep? You look exhausted.." he asked me and helped me pick up the basket I dropped for the second time then helped me up to my feet.
"Oh uh.. this morning. It's been a busy day already" I laughed awkwardly and tried not to look at him because I'm a horrible lier.
"Come with me" he told me and held my hand the whole time. We walked in silence and as soon as I realized where we were going it was too late.
"Zen I'm really not tired-" I tried to tell him and pull my hand away but he held on a little tighter.
"It's not that," he began and walked us into my room. Then.. Why are we in my room? What does he want to talk about? "Can I see your hands? We havent change the bandages for a minute, have we?" He asked with a little smile and sat me down on my bed.
"Oh no.. I really dont want to.." I mumbled and watched him unwrap my left hand.
"Its not that bad, I thought you said you didnt feel pain?" He chuckled. Did he seriously carry around gause and alcohol just to clean my palms today? Why...?! It burns!
"I-I lied" I stuttered as he rubbed the alcohol along my palm. It wasnt bad but it still burned.
"Itll go away in a second, I promise" he chuckled as he put on the gause then wrapped that one back up.
"I actually think this one is okay-" I told him and pulled my right hand under my black cloak.
"Then this one won't hurt either" he chuckled and waited till I let him have my hand. He held onto the back of it while he cleaned my palm with the alcohol and put new gause on it. "Y/n, do me a favor.." he said as he slowly wrapped the long bandage around my hand.
"What is it?.." I asked and watched feeling my eyes get heavier.
"Close you eyes and count to 60" he told me and sounded too seriously to be lying. I gave him a confessed look. "Come on-" he pushed on.
"O-Okay! They're closed!" I exclaimed and shut my eyes.
"1... 2... 3... 4...-" he began counting as I quickly slipped into a deep sleep.

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