Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Heidi's P.O.V.

I missed three days of school because Henry came down with a stomach bug. The first day was the worst. There was puke everywhere and on everything, which had me up all night trying to clean it all.

I was freaking out. My baby was sick, and I couldn't seem to ease his discomfort. Henry wasn't a very fussy baby so to see him fussing and not being his usual self worried me. It made me feel powerless in a way and I had to keep reminding myself that it will pass. He'll get better.

As the days go by, he felt better. I gave him bland foods as recommended and by Saturday he made a full recovery. He was playing like his usual self and just being the inquisitive, high energy baby I love.

Aria stopped by to check on us twice, which was nice of her during that time. She filled me in on all our classes together and explained to me how much Dani asked for me. I couldn't believe that to be true. Dani asking for me, like purposefully inquiring about my whereabouts, was beyond something I could comprehend these days.

We had that evening at the café where she supposedly apologised with cheesecake, but that didn't mean we were friends or close enough for her to be missing me.

I was almost sure it was because of the showcase and I could bet all my money on it. That kind of made me sad because that meant I wasn't that important to her at all nowadays.

I tried not to think about it.

When I went back to school that Monday, I knew I was in trouble with Ms Chamberlain for the showcase. I completely missed the one on one's last week with Dani and I know I was about to be reprimanded for it.

Throughout English class, I expected Dani to glare at me. She usually does. But ever since cheesecake afternoon, she hasn't glared at me once. She seemed focused today. Deep in thoughts like she was trying to make sense of everything going on around her. I could see it on her face from across the room. The random flashes of confusion and sadness.

It fascinated me to watch her, and I wondered if she was so deep in thought about the book. When I gave Aria the go-ahead to give her, I was confident I was ready to let her know what had happened. And I still was. It's just that now I felt vulnerable. My heart and soul were in that book and I was secretly praying; hoping and praying that she wouldn't crush them.

I just wanted her to have that closure she needed because I know it still affected her and I owed her at least that much.

I knew it didn't make up for what I did or how I handle things, but I hope it was enough for her to see that everything I did was to protect us. I still wanted her in my life and I fought for that the best I knew how.

I chew at my lip, turning to Carter, Foxx and Crystal, refusing to let the guilt of my past consume me again. If anybody could keep me distracted, it was those three with their immature banters and fooling around.

Throughout the day, I kept my thoughts at a safe distance, but when it came time for chemistry, it all went through the window.

She was sitting right next to me and she looked as gorgeous as ever. Her hair was a little messier than usual, which meant she probably had a late night. But I think she still looked lovely.

"Hey," I said to her, breaking the awkward silence between us. I know she was probably still processing a lot of what she read but it was killing me waiting for her to react to it or bring up a point or something.

"Where have you been?" she hissed softly towards me, but it wasn't a hiss that suggested she was mad. Just very frustrated, which wasn't a surprise.

I could already imagine her grey eyes darkening with that frustration and picture the adorable way her eyebrows would knit up. But I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking."

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