20 || Showers And Sleepingbags

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So since I have scrapped my previous plot ideas, I have no clue where this story is going anymore. Sorry if it becomes random. Also, many thanks to all of you positive supporters. Every comment, vote and read means so much to me.

Minho, being the absolute best human I know, agreed to lend me an extra set of clothes so I'd have something besides my giant pajamas to clean my clothes in.

I grabbed the set of clothes that I was borrowing and Minho helped me find a towel from one of the closets and some soap and shampoo from a cabinet. Once I was set, we headed out to the showering area. There was thankfully no one there.

The area was placed behind some trees that were to the back of the Homestead. It was beside the Wall and surrounded by a thick line of forestry. Especially in the darkness of nighttime, I was confident that the area was well protected from peeping eyes. With Minho facing the Homestead, ready to turn around anybody who came near, all of my anxiety was gone.

I found my thoughts wandering to Gally. Remembering how cold and gloomy it was in that cell. How all my hope had left me so quickly. I couldn't even imagine how bad it is at night.

I was done my shower quickly, feeling amazing and clean when I got dressed again. Minho and I walked back to the Homestead, and by then a couple people were already in bed.

"I'll show you where to wash your clothes tomorrow. Goodnight, (Y/N)." Minho said, heading off to his room.

I started walking towards Newt's room out of habit, but stopped halfway. Who's watch was I supposed to be on, anyway? I retraced the day's events back to bailing water. Frypan!

I decided to go down the hallway in which Frypan had come out of the night he chased Minho. Goodness, that seemed like so long ago now. All the rooms looked the same, but luckily I bumped into someone in the hallway who pointed me in the right direction.

I knocked on Frypan's door and waited for a response. The door swung open, and he gave me a forced smile. He let me know right away that I was on his watch again tomorrow so that I could help him in the Kitchen like I was supposed to do today.

I apologized and walked in. He tossed me a sleeping bag which I laid across the floor and climbed into.

Frypan fell asleep quickly, but my mind kept finding it's way to my conversation with Minho.

Are there really people targeting Gally to try to get him out of the way? It seems extreme to me. My paranoia wasted no time in starting an argument between my logic and my fear.

Should I avoid Gally when he's back out?

No. He would probably be hurt if I did. Besides, I can't let someone else's decisions control me.

He's in the Slammer all alone right now because some guy targeted him because of me.

Minho already said that I did nothing wrong and I believe him. I can't control what others do.

I bet he's cold.

I can control that.

Without really thinking it over, I was on my feet and bundling up my sleeping bag. I snuck down the hall as quietly as possible to Minho's room.

I didn't knock, I just went in. He was laying sideways across his bed, staring at the ceiling. Only his normal amount of weird.

"Minho." I whispered. He rolled over so he could look at me properly.

"Back already?" He whispered back teasingly.

"You Runners get up before the others, right?"


"Good. When you get up tomorrow, can you go wake me up? I'll be in the Slammer with Gally and I don't want to get caught." I explained. He hesitated a while then replied,

"Sure, I'll go wake you up when I get up, but you're probably still going to get caught." It was good enough for me.

"Thanks." I said as I left the room. I snuck out the front door, which took several minutes, as it was extremely creaky.

I padded barefoot across the dirt toward the cement block where Gally was. I took my time with the locks as to be as quiet as possible.

When the door finally opened, I entered and shut it again as best I could, jamming a pebble under the door so it wouldn't swing open and be obvious.

I turned to see Gally in the dim moonlight, laying on his back and sprawled across the floor. I almost laughed to myself.

I slowly unzipped the sleeping bag, which was just loud enough to rouse Gally.

"What're you... (Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Gally whispered, his voice groggy and his hair disheveled. I shushed him as I finished unzipping the sleeping bag.

"I don't really know why I'm here. But I do know that you're cold, and that I have a perfectly good sleeping bag. Plus, I just wanted to see you." I replied honestly.

"I wanted to see you, too." He smiled at me. I appreciated those words, as I knew it was probably hard for him to find the right ones when it came to emotions.

He didn't protest as I laid beside him and draped the sleeping bag over us both. I grabbed his hands, which were freezing, and started drawing circles on the backs of them with my thumbs. He didn't protest that either.

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