22 || Newtmas and Zart

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I stayed in the Slammer with Gally until we both fell asleep. The sun had yet to rise when Minho woke me up hours later. I thanked him, took my sleeping bag and returned to the Homestead.

I dropped off my sleeping bag in Frypan's room before heading to Newt's room where I had left my clothes as well as the clothes that I was borrowing from Minho. The room was dark when I walked in, which meant that I didn't see the sleeping body on the floor which I consequently trampled. What the shuck?

Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was Thomas. He seemed rather undisturbed by my trampling and simply rolled over in his sleeping bag and continued to sleep. I stepped carefully over him to get to Newt. After some frantic shaking from me he pried his eyes open.

"What do you w--Oh, (Y/N)? Why are you in here?" He muttered sleepily.

"I was just getting my clothes when I stumbled upon a whole human being on your floor! What is Thomas doing in here?" I slightly accused, pointing to the boy in question who was now curled up in a ball. Newt's face reddened ever so softly and he sighed.

"I don't know if anyone's told you, but... Thomas and I are together. Sort of. It's on and off because of how much we argue. Recently, it's mostly just been physical stuff because whenever we try to talk about anything serious it ends in a fight. That's why we've been trying to only talk in private. I hate when the other Gladers get to see my personal business." He looked very troubled. Without really thinking about it, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"No offense to your sort-of boyfriend, but he's a shucking idiot to not see how much you're worth. You deserve better, seriously." I gave him a final squeeze and then let him go.

"I know. He's a good boyfriend most of the time. I don't what's wrong with him lately. And yeah, he is a bloody idiot and I think about throwing him to the Grievers quite often, so no offence taken." He looked over at Thomas with a conflicting look of longing and anger.

"Well, good luck with that. He's a heavy sleeper." I gestured to Thomas' still body and picked up my clothes form the dresser.

"INCOMING!" Newt loudly announced, surprising me and rousing Thomas just in time for Newt's lanky body to fall off of the bed and right on top of him. I let a few chuckles escape as I exited the room and I could hear hysterical laughs from both Newt and Thomas as I made my way down the stairs. I was glad to know that Newt had someone there for him.

I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day as usual. However, the moment I emerged from the bathroom I was ambushed by Frypan.

"I know you went somewhere last night. Where did you go?" He interrogated me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied smoothly.

"Don't play shucking stupid with me. I got up to go to the bathroom and there was nothing there, not even your sleeping bag! You were under my watch, so if you break a rule it's my responsibility. Now, where were you?" He said with no hint of humor. He looked so serious that it made me crack. How bad is the Slammer, really?

"Jeez, fine. I went out to see Gally. I brought him a sleeping bag because it was cold. Please don't tell anyone. He's in enough trouble as it is." I pleaded. A smile crossed his face before he burst out laughing.

"Ha! Here I thought you were out helping the Bread Bandit, but you were really just helping Gal! Sorry I was so harsh on you, and of course I won't tell anyone. I'm the closest thing that shank's got to a friend in this place!" He bellowed. I laughed along with him, less out of humor and more to make him like me. He did, after all, have enough proof to get me locked up if he so wished.

I made my way to breakfast and sat in the same place I usually do. Chuck eventually joined me at the table, then came over Newt and Thomas who were grinning like idiots. I had a feeling I knew why, but before I could tease them about it a hand slammed down on the table in the spot where Minho usually sits. I trailed my eyes from the hand to its respective face to find that it was Zart standing next to me.

"Hello, Shebean. Err, uh, (Y/N). And, of course, hello to the rest of you too." He fumbled while taking a seat. Chuck and Newt gave him deadly glares to make sure he knew that he wasn't welcome. I shuffled away from him in annoyance.

"Hey, don't be like that. I'm sorry about Gally almost being banished. I didn't mean for that to happen, seriously." He attempted to apologize. It came out sounding so far from genuine I wanted to scoff at him.

"I'm sure you didn't." I replied stiffly with just a bit of sarcasm. I desperately just wanted him to leave. Our attitude towards each other was starting to earn us stares from the other tables.

"Truly, I didn't. Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to come eat lunch at my table today? The guys really want to properly meet you. Not everyone got lucky enough to spend a whole day with you!" He enthused. If there was anything I was expecting him to say, it was not that. I nearly choked and had to gather my thoughts before responding.

"Are you joking?" Was the politest thing I could come up with. He was a Keeper, after all, and he had already demonstrated how much power he held. His fake smile dropped. "Umm, I'd rather not eat lunch with you, thanks."

"Don't be rude." He snapped, his voice deepening. "Look, I gave you the nice option. All the gang wants is to meet you. I suggest you say yes, because we'll only ask you nicely this once."

"Is that a threat?" Newt cut in. He looked murderous. Zart shrugged nonchalantly.

"Maybe. That depends on your answer." I wanted to smack the smug look off of his face.

"I should go get Alby right now." Newt was already on his feet.

"If you tell Alby that will only end badly." He moved ever so slightly towards me. Threatening my friends was the limit for this conversation.

"Listen up, you little rat. You think you can come over to our table and threaten us? We certainly will be telling Alby about your threats and there isn't a single thing you'll do about it. You may think you have influence here, but I assure you the good people in here outnumber you pigs. So leave us alone." It felt amazing to finally say all that to his face. I thought I would regret it but I didn't, not even a little.

"I--Well--Y--You are in for it now, girl." He muttered angrily whilst storming off. It seemed like no-one had ever told him 'no'.

"(Y/N), that was insane!" Chuck laughed once Zart was gone. Newt looked at me with pride. Thomas was silent, his expression still unchanged.

"I hope he leaves us alone now." I wished aloud. And for the next four days, he did.

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