36 || Sixteen Hour Code

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Unedited again. This is kind of just filler and plot defining, sorry. The next chapter (or maybe the next next chapter, we'll see) is when it gets real. Excitement is coming, I promise!

TW: none?

It took sixteen hours in total to decipher the entire code. By the time we had finished, the sun was up again I was practically at the point of collapsing. My headache had brought me nearly to tears already and all I wanted was to sleep for a few days straight.

After we had all eaten dinner, Newt had assigned eight boys to help. They worked in shifts to prevent errors due to exhaustion. They were all eager to help, but it took them all a while to understand what we were trying to accomplish and how. It was hard to explain something that I hardly understood myself.

Gally and Minho were both on the helping crew. Admittedly, Gally was only helping because 'the bed felt empty without me'. I didn't mind it, though. It was nice to look up through all the pain and madness to see his adorable concentrating face.

After pairing up almost every combination from each sector from each time they were open, we finally added up the letters— which repeated monthly— to find six words.

Float. Catch. Bleed. Death. Stiff. Push.

And after all that work, we still had no idea what it meant or how it could lead us out of the Maze.

Personally, I thought everyone would be disappointed at how little information we were actually able to find, but the Glade seemed to be buzzing with excitement. They were all just happy to have real, concrete progress. That code certainly couldn't be for nothing.

Newt had given the entire crew the day off to catch up on rest, but we were advised not to sleep for more than six hours or we wouldn't be able to fall asleep that night and we'd ruin our sleep schedules. Newt agreed to send someone to wake us in five hours.

Gally and I practically dragged ourselves up to our room and didn't even bother changing before climbing into bed and immediately falling asleep.


Five hours later, sometime around noon, our wake up call came as promised. There was knocking at the door that got progressively louder until Gally sleepily shouted for them to slim it.

"Everyone dressed?" Minho's voice cane from behind the door. I let out a sleepy 'mhmm' and he flung the door open.

"Newt sent me to wake you guys up. He told me not to leave until you were both out of bed, so I'm sorry for this." He proclaimed, proceeding to swipe the blanket off of us and dump it on the floor.

"Minho!" Gally groaned in annoyance. Having gotten more sleep than me, the both of them were able to be wide awake in an instant. I simply groaned. My headache was fading agonizingly slowly and their yelling was no help.

Gally noticed my discomfort and stared Minho down for a second before mouthing 'hallway, now!' at him. When Minho looked hesitant, Gally provided a whispered explanation.

"Her headache is still killing her, and she, unlike us, didn't sleep at all last night. She needs more sleep to recover."

"But Newt said-" Gally was then dragging Minho by the shirt out of the room. I was so grateful for the silence and peace and made a mental note to thank Gally later.

I drifted in and out of sleep so frequently because of my headache and Gally's absence that I ended up getting up an hour or so later anyways.

As soon as I stood up, I realized just how hungry I was. The last time I had eaten anything was about twenty hours ago. I didn't have a second thought as I skipped the bathroom and headed to the Dining Room.

As I suspected, I had missed lunch. However, Frypan quickly spotted me and invited me into the Kitchen to find something to eat. I sat down with an apple and a PB&J and he didn't hesitate to bombard me with questions and information.

He started off with confirming that the rumours of what we'd figured out were true, then he started talking about all the theories he'd overheard. They ranged from it being a prophecy of what will happen in the future to it being a shut down command for the Beetle Blades. Honestly, I didn't know what to think.

Once someone saw that I was awake, it didn't take long for Minho to hear that I was up. He found me eventually, interrupting Frypan and I's conversation.

"Good, you're finally up! Hurry up and finish eating, Shebean. Once you're done, we're going back to work in the Maze."

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