4 || Not My Nightwear

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Newt did as instructed and brought me to the Kitchens. He gave me a juicy red apple which I started eating like I hadn't eaten anything in a week. Maybe I hadn't, I certainly couldn't remember. 

I was too busy thinking and eating to start up a conversation. Newt seemed to understand my thoughts exactly, not even needing to communicate that he empathized. He leaned against the counter and waited patiently for me to finish, despite still seeming to be annoyed by my arrival.

"Don't eat too fast, you'll make yourself sick." He warned halfway through, his voice monotonous as if he was reading from a script. I ignored his warning, far too hungry to care. Once I was done, he showed me where the compost was for the apple core, then lead me up some rickety old stairs to his room.

He started getting ready for bed, taking off his additional gear, grabbing some pajamas and leaving to go change in the communal bathroom. I stopped him before he left.

"Hey, do you guys have, like, a spare set of clothes I can wear or something?" I asked quietly, my body too sleepy to put much volume in my words.

He glanced down at my chest and then my butt, then blinked his eyes back up to meet mine again. It wasn't creepy or sexual, we were both far too tired for that. It was more of a calculating look than anything inappropriate.

"We don't have any spares. I would offer you a pair of mine, but I don't think they'd fit you very well. Come on, you can ask Minho or someone while I change." He instructed, nodding for me to follow him and I did. He still showed much disinterest when talking to me, but he had turned down the dislike to a civil level.

We walked back down the stairs and down a hallway, passing a few rooms as we went. Eventually, Newt stopped and opened one of the doors. The room inside was empty, so he pulled it shut again.

"Minho's out at the moment. Just wait here for him until—" He was cut off by someone coming out of the door across from Minho's. It was tone of the boys from earlier, Gally.

"Actually, here. Ask Gally, he's a giant." Newt suggested, patting me encouragingly on the shoulder and slipping past Gally into what I assumed was the bathroom. Unintentionally, Newt's poor phrasing had made an awkward tension between Gally and I right from the start of the conversation.

"What was he talking about?" Gally prompted me with amusement, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows. He stood much taller than me and he was built much larger than me. It was almost intimidating, but then I remembered how he'd advocated for my safety at the Gathering.

I opened my mouth to talk and froze. I felt like I was standing before an arena of people and I was suddenly terrified to say the wrong thing. Then, I realized that I was just standing there like a complete idiot. Saying nothing was suddenly worse than saying the wrong thing. He cocked his head a little as if urging me to speak. My cheeks tinted pink.

"Can I wear your clothes?" I asked. Nope, saying the wrong thing was definitely worse. I felt so stupid. How had I been fine—confident, even—around him earlier and I was now a blushing mess? He let out a laugh at my question and I wanted to physically implode.

"I-I meant to say, can I have a pair of your pajamas to wear?" I managed to say. He looked almost amused. After a few seconds, he nodded and muttered a 'follow me' while shaking his head. Maybe disintegrating would be a better option than imploding.

He lead me upstairs again and into a room that I realized was right beside Newt's. He searched through his dresser for a moment, then pulled out a long pair of plaid red pajama pants and a black t-shirt. He went to hand them to me, but then pulled them away before I could grab them. I looked at him questioningly.

"Is Newt being nice to you and everything?" He asked skeptically. The question took me off guard but I didn't let him see it.

"Sure, he's been nice enough so far. We haven't really spoken much though." I replied. He looked quizzical, then let the expression drop and handed me the clothes for real this time.

"Thanks, Gally." I thanked him as I left his room. I was already halfway down the hall when he called out "umm... yeah, anytime, Y/N".

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