31 - þrjátíu og Einn

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As I got into Otto's car for the five-minute ride to the area where all pack gatherings took place, Ima's words echoed in my mind.

Sterkur had told her about Valente's decision for inviting all pack members in the ceremony, leaving our borders unchecked.

I wanted to know why he would do that, especially at a time like this, when we were so vulnerable.

I watched people walk towards the gathering as I looked outside the window. A few faces that looked back at me, lit up in recognition.

But surprisingly, none took on a face of malice, or discontent, with the knowledge of who their Luna was going to be. They either remained surprised, turned neutral, or showed respect by lowering their gaze.

Ymir sat beside me in a black tux, looking at the cape I wore with fascination. The evening sun made its way into the car, and bounced off the sparkling stones making dots of light on the roof and seats.

He watched, his eyes near wide, as the tiny droplets of light danced all around him.

Bryn was sitting on the other window seat looking outside as well, while Renee and Otto sat in front.

We had crossed the gathering of people, all dressed in nice, formal-looking clothes.

Our pack was much smaller than most others, but even then, as all the members collected towards the pack center, I realized I'd never seen so many people together in one place.

Otto parked his car behind the pack house, and the children rushed outside, towards the kitchens. The little cubs could smell the food from a mile away.

Renee helped me out of the car, as Otto stood beside her.

He gave me a hug, and his best smile, before whispering a "Congratulations," and walking towards where his children had run off to.

"Okay so, in a few minutes, when the crowd has settled down, we'll go in. There will be a lot of people, but don't need to be overwhelmed. You will have to say a few words-"

"What?" I said as I almost shrieked in horror. "Valente didn't say anything about a speech!"

"Well, as the new Luna, you will have to address your people, right?" she said, rubbing my forearms in an attempt to comfort me, but all I could feel now was everything else.

Nervousness was slowly taking over me, and there was nothing I could do except wish for the ceremony to be done with.

She looked at me, worry showing on her face for a fraction of a second before she composed herself.

"A few words. Open some gifts. Meet and greet, the usual Luna stuff," she went on.

I had never seen a Luna ceremony before. I had no idea how to put myself in front of all those people, and look like a leader.

On my own, in my own room, in the privacy of my mind, standing in front of a mirror I knew was my own, I could feel confidence that belonged to me.

Yet, the thought of resurrecting that same feeling now, when I was about to stand in front of Fathilagt in its entirety, seemed like an extremely difficult task.

My social anxiety wouldn't allow it.

Renee smiled as she looked at me.

"You were born to be a Luna, Luna Rayne. When you're up there, and when you feel the acceptance of every single one of those people, the words you want to say, the things you have to do, the way you need to act, they will all come naturally. I promise," she said, her grip on my arms tighter.

I felt a strength build up at her words, specifically at the title with which my sister had addressed me. It was as if Imadis was standing up now, her slow, animalistic movement causing her muscles to flex underneath her ash-grey pelt, showing off her long fangs, and her champagne eyes glowing, looking right at me, through my own mind.

There were no words to describe the sudden surge of energy that vibrated through me, a familiar humming echoing through my previously quiet mind.

I had no more reservations, my anxiety about the ceremony now gone.

The tiniest concern over the unguarded borders refused to die down, but Imadis stepped on it and crushed it underneath her feet.

She showed me there was no reason to be afraid. I heard her voice; loud, powerful, and booming in my mind as she spoke.

"As long as we're alive,
Fathilagt will be safe."

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